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Tag: World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF)

WTPF: expected outcomes, revealing debate

17 May 2013

The UN World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF) concluded yesterday in Geneva, with the adoption of six opinions to guide international policy on broadband and internet exchange point (IXP) deployment, as well as internet governance. That was exactly the plan–but what happened over the course of the three day meeting is revealing for the future of internet governance reform.

WTPF: expected outcomes, revealing debate
17 May 2013
WTPF: expected outcomes, revealing debate

WTPF: it all comes back around

13 May 2013

Tomorrow the World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF), a meeting hosted by the UN’s International Telecommunication Union (ITU), will kick off in Geneva. The meeting, meant to provide a venue for governments and industry to discuss key policy issues in today’s telecommunications and information and communication technology (ICT) environment, has declared its theme for 2013 to be internet-related public policy. For the next three days, the Member States of the ITU, i.e. governments, are expected to discuss and adopt opinions that will guide international internet policy making. But if recent history is a guide, chances are it won’t be so simple.

WTPF: it all comes back around
13 May 2013
WTPF: it all comes back around