

Image of the Investigation report: how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan

Between a hack and a hard place: how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan

1 Feb 2024

Access Now launched the new investigation report on how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan.

Between a hack and a hard place: how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan
1 Feb 2024
Between a hack and a hard place: how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan
Header image: data protection in Africa
Data Protection
Data ProtectionPublicationAfricaEnglish

Strengthening data protection in Africa: key issues for implementation

25 Jan 2024

Access Now’s new publication on understanding the data protection framework in Africa

Strengthening data protection in Africa: key issues for implementation
25 Jan 2024
Strengthening data protection in Africa: key issues for implementation
Tunisia digitization programs
Digital Identity Systems
Digital Identity SystemsPublicationMiddle East & North AfricaArabic

الأسئلة المتداولة في ما يخص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية

22 Jan 2024

تقدم هذه الوثيقة إجابات على أهم التساؤلات المتعلقة بمشروع قانون بطاقة التعريف البيومترية ومشروع قانون جواز السفر البيومتري الذي يناقشه مجلس نواب الشعب حاليًا في تونس.

الأسئلة المتداولة في ما يخص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية
22 Jan 2024
الأسئلة المتداولة في ما يخص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية
European Media Freedom Act
Content Governance
Content GovernancePublicationAsia Pacific

Submission on India’s draft Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023

15 Jan 2024

Access Now raises concerns about peopleʼs fundamental rights in its submission on India’s Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023.

Submission on India’s draft Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023
15 Jan 2024
Submission on India’s draft Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023
Global encryption day 2023
PrivacyPublicationAsia Pacific

Submission to eSafety Commissioner, Australia on the draft Online Safety Industry Standards

22 Dec 2023

Access Now recommends eSafety Office against mandating online communication services, as well as file storage and cloud services, to proactively detect content on their platforms.

Submission to eSafety Commissioner, Australia on the draft Online Safety Industry Standards
22 Dec 2023
Submission to eSafety Commissioner, Australia on the draft Online Safety Industry Standards
Content governance in times of crisis: applying international humanitarian, criminal, and human rights law
Content Governance
Content GovernancePublicationGlobalEnglish

Content and platform governance in times of crisis: applying international humanitarian, criminal, and human rights law

13 Dec 2023

This new report discusses the application of international humanitarian, criminal, and human rights law in content governance in crises.

Content and platform governance in times of crisis: applying international humanitarian, criminal, and human rights law
13 Dec 2023
Content and platform governance in times of crisis: applying international humanitarian, criminal, and human rights law
Palestine Israel Digital Ceasefire; Gaza’s internet
Internet Shutdowns
Internet ShutdownsPublicationIsraelArabic

فلسطين خارج التغطية: كيف تقطع إسرائيل الإنترنت عن غزة

24 Nov 2023

يقدّم هذا التقرير دراسة لحالة الإنترنت في قطاع غزة طوال شهر أكتوبر 2023 من خلال تحليلٍ حركة الإنترنت حسب مزوّدي خدمات الإنترنت في مختلف مواقع القطاع.

فلسطين خارج التغطية: كيف تقطع إسرائيل الإنترنت عن غزة
24 Nov 2023
فلسطين خارج التغطية: كيف تقطع إسرائيل الإنترنت عن غزة
Palestine Israel Digital Ceasefire; Gaza’s internet
Internet Shutdowns
Internet ShutdownsPublicationIsraelEnglish

Palestine unplugged: how Israel disrupts Gaza’s internet

10 Nov 2023

This report illustrates the state of Gaza’s internet throughout October 2023 by looking at internet traffic by ISPs and locations.

Palestine unplugged: how Israel disrupts Gaza’s internet
10 Nov 2023
Palestine unplugged: how Israel disrupts Gaza’s internet
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”
Data Protection
Data ProtectionPublicationAsia Pacific

Submission on Bangladesh’s draft Data Protection Act, 2023

3 Nov 2023

Access Now and Tech Global Institute’s submission on Bangladesh’s latest draft of the Data Protection Act, 2023.

Submission on Bangladesh’s draft Data Protection Act, 2023
3 Nov 2023
Submission on Bangladesh’s draft Data Protection Act, 2023
Bodily harms: how AI and biometrics curtail human rights
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial IntelligencePublicationEnglish

Bodily harms: mapping the risks of emerging biometric tech

16 Oct 2023

Access Now’s paper on how biometric technologies are becoming increasingly interwoven into our everyday lives, and how AI is driving the adoption of ableist technologies that marginalize anyone who doesn’t fit into their definition of a “normal” body.

Bodily harms: mapping the risks of emerging biometric tech
16 Oct 2023
Bodily harms: mapping the risks of emerging biometric tech
Watermark and generative AI
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial IntelligencePublicationGlobal

Identifying generative AI content: when and how watermarking can help uphold human rights

28 Sep 2023

Access Now’s paper on how we can identify content produced by generative AI tools. One solution being touted is watermarking – but what are the human rights risks?

Identifying generative AI content: when and how watermarking can help uphold human rights
28 Sep 2023
Identifying generative AI content: when and how watermarking can help uphold human rights
The EU must hold VLOPs accountable
Content Governance
Content GovernancePublicationEuropeEnglish

Towards meaningful fundamental rights impact assessments under the DSA

18 Sep 2023
Towards meaningful fundamental rights impact assessments under the DSA
18 Sep 2023
Towards meaningful fundamental rights impact assessments under the DSA
Hacking Meduza: Pegasus spyware used to target Putin’s critic
SurveillancePublicationEastern Europe & Central AsiaEnglish

Hacking Meduza: Pegasus spyware used to target Putin’s critic

13 Sep 2023

The publisher of Russian independent media org Meduza was hacked with NSO’s Pegasus spyware. As both Russia and Latvia are potential culprits, Access Now demands accountability and sanctions.

Hacking Meduza: Pegasus spyware used to target Putin’s critic
13 Sep 2023
Hacking Meduza: Pegasus spyware used to target Putin’s critic
Digital rights

Oral Statement – UN Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime 6th Session (NY) Arts 6-10, 36

29 Aug 2023
Oral Statement – UN Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime 6th Session (NY) Arts 6-10, 36
29 Aug 2023
Oral Statement – UN Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime 6th Session (NY) Arts 6-10, 36
Digital rights
Content Governance
Content GovernancePublication

United Nations Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of ICTs for Criminal Purposes 

24 Aug 2023
United Nations Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of ICTs for Criminal Purposes 
24 Aug 2023
United Nations Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of ICTs for Criminal Purposes 
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill
Data Protection
Data ProtectionPublicationAsia PacificEnglish

Access Now Analysis: India’s Data Protection Bill

4 Aug 2023

The introduction of India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023, to parliament does far more to threaten privacy than to protect it.

Access Now Analysis: India’s Data Protection Bill
4 Aug 2023
Access Now Analysis: India’s Data Protection Bill

Policy brief

Header image: data protection in Africa
Data Protection

Strengthening data protection in Africa: key issues for implementation

25 Jan 2024

Access Now’s new publication on understanding the data protection framework in Africa

Strengthening data protection in Africa: key issues for implementation
25 Jan 2024
Strengthening data protection in Africa: key issues for implementation
The EU must hold VLOPs accountable
Content Governance

Towards meaningful fundamental rights impact assessments under the DSA

18 Sep 2023
Towards meaningful fundamental rights impact assessments under the DSA
18 Sep 2023
Towards meaningful fundamental rights impact assessments under the DSA
U.N. Joint Statement RightsCon
Content Governance

Why the U.N. is focusing on digital rights during humanitarian crises

21 Apr 2022

Digital rights violations enable and escalate offline violence, deepening humanitarian crises. Our latest brief recaps key developments at the 49th United Nations Human Rights Council, guiding delegates in next steps for advancing global norms and standards to protect digital rights. 

Why the U.N. is focusing on digital rights during humanitarian crises
21 Apr 2022
Why the U.N. is focusing on digital rights during humanitarian crises
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”
Data Protection

Policy Brief: Nine steps to protect our data and privacy in Sri Lanka

18 Feb 2022

This brief breaks down the steps necessary to ensure Sri Lanka’s Personal Data Protection Bill is a rights-respecting data protection legislation.

Policy Brief: Nine steps to protect our data and privacy in Sri Lanka
18 Feb 2022
Policy Brief: Nine steps to protect our data and privacy in Sri Lanka


Image of the Investigation report: how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan

Between a hack and a hard place: how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan

1 Feb 2024

Access Now launched the new investigation report on how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan.

Between a hack and a hard place: how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan
1 Feb 2024
Between a hack and a hard place: how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan
Header image: data protection in Africa
Data Protection

Strengthening data protection in Africa: key issues for implementation

25 Jan 2024

Access Now’s new publication on understanding the data protection framework in Africa

Strengthening data protection in Africa: key issues for implementation
25 Jan 2024
Strengthening data protection in Africa: key issues for implementation
Content governance in times of crisis: applying international humanitarian, criminal, and human rights law
Content Governance

Content and platform governance in times of crisis: applying international humanitarian, criminal, and human rights law

13 Dec 2023

This new report discusses the application of international humanitarian, criminal, and human rights law in content governance in crises.

Content and platform governance in times of crisis: applying international humanitarian, criminal, and human rights law
13 Dec 2023
Content and platform governance in times of crisis: applying international humanitarian, criminal, and human rights law
Palestine Israel Digital Ceasefire; Gaza’s internet
Internet Shutdowns

فلسطين خارج التغطية: كيف تقطع إسرائيل الإنترنت عن غزة

24 Nov 2023

يقدّم هذا التقرير دراسة لحالة الإنترنت في قطاع غزة طوال شهر أكتوبر 2023 من خلال تحليلٍ حركة الإنترنت حسب مزوّدي خدمات الإنترنت في مختلف مواقع القطاع.

فلسطين خارج التغطية: كيف تقطع إسرائيل الإنترنت عن غزة
24 Nov 2023
فلسطين خارج التغطية: كيف تقطع إسرائيل الإنترنت عن غزة

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