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Tag: #WhyID

#WhyID biometrics

Public petition: withdraw the Huduma Bill 2021

23 Feb 2022

Access Now joins civil society in petitioning the Kenyan parliament to scrap the Huduma Bill 2021.

Press Release
Public petition: withdraw the Huduma Bill 2021
23 Feb 2022
Public petition: withdraw the Huduma Bill 2021
Tunisia biometric passports

منظمات وجمعيات حقوقية تدعو إلى عدم اعتماد مشروع إنجاز جواز السفر البيومتري وبطاقة التعريف البيومترية في تونس

24 Jan 2022

.تعرب المنظمات والجمعيات الموقعة على هذا البيان عن رفضها مجدّداً لمشروع جواز السفر وبطاقة التعريف البيومتريين في تونس، وتدعو إلى سحبه وعدم اعتماده

Press Release
منظمات وجمعيات حقوقية تدعو إلى عدم اعتماد مشروع إنجاز جواز السفر البيومتري وبطاقة التعريف البيومترية في تونس
24 Jan 2022
منظمات وجمعيات حقوقية تدعو إلى عدم اعتماد مشروع إنجاز جواز السفر البيومتري وبطاقة التعريف البيومترية في تونس
Kenya data protection

Kenya’s data protection is not yet the shining example it could be

28 Oct 2021

“Data protection in Kenya: how is this right protected?” explores steps for Kenyan authorities to develop a more effective Data Protection Act.

Press Release
Kenya’s data protection is not yet the shining example it could be
28 Oct 2021
Kenya’s data protection is not yet the shining example it could be
mitos big ID human rights

We need to talk about digital ID: why the World Bank must recognize the harm in Afghanistan and beyond

15 Oct 2021

The World Bank and International Monetary Fund met this week. They didn’t discuss digital identity programs, even though the World Bank itself funds “Big ID” systems.

We need to talk about digital ID: why the World Bank must recognize the harm in Afghanistan and beyond
15 Oct 2021
We need to talk about digital ID: why the World Bank must recognize the harm in Afghanistan and beyond
mitos big ID human rights

Busting the dangerous myths of Big ID programs: cautionary lessons from India

5 Oct 2021
Busting the dangerous myths of Big ID programs: cautionary lessons from India
5 Oct 2021
Busting the dangerous myths of Big ID programs: cautionary lessons from India
mitos big ID human rights

Big ID, bad idea: busting ID myths that are endangering human rights

5 Oct 2021

Big ID programs — frequently involving biometric data collection — are being rolled out across the globe, and endangering human rights. Read Access Now’s new report.

Press Release
Big ID, bad idea: busting ID myths that are endangering human rights
5 Oct 2021
Big ID, bad idea: busting ID myths that are endangering human rights
mitos big ID human rights

India’s Aadhaar proves Big ID is still a bad idea

5 Oct 2021

Despite all the propaganda in favour of it, Aadhaar, India’s Big ID program, has had a disastrous impact on the lives of millions. Read Access Now’s new report.

Press Release
India’s Aadhaar proves Big ID is still a bad idea
5 Oct 2021
India’s Aadhaar proves Big ID is still a bad idea
Digital ID Systems

Талибы завладели американскими базами биометрических данных. Под угрозой оказались миллионы афганцев

7 Sep 2021
Талибы завладели американскими базами биометрических данных. Под угрозой оказались миллионы афганцев
7 Sep 2021
Талибы завладели американскими базами биометрических данных. Под угрозой оказались миллионы афганцев
digital ID bill

Afghanistan forces digital-ethics reckoning

2 Sep 2021
Afghanistan forces digital-ethics reckoning
2 Sep 2021
Afghanistan forces digital-ethics reckoning
Digital ID Systems

Afghanistan: The biometric, social and business data the Taliban could use to target left-behind Afghans

27 Aug 2021
Afghanistan: The biometric, social and business data the Taliban could use to target left-behind Afghans
27 Aug 2021
Afghanistan: The biometric, social and business data the Taliban could use to target left-behind Afghans