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Tag: WHO


#KeepItOn: Internet shutdowns put lives at risk during COVID-19

26 May 2020

There is no excuse for internet shutdowns during a global pandemic, but governments keep ordering them. Join the #KeepItOn coalition in calling for an end to shutdowns globally.

#KeepItOn: Internet shutdowns put lives at risk during COVID-19
26 May 2020
#KeepItOn: Internet shutdowns put lives at risk during COVID-19

Civil society to WHO: let’s end government-ordered internet shutdowns

26 May 2020

Today the #KeepItOn coalition sent an open letter to the Deputy Director-General of the WHO, Dr. Zsuzsanna Jakab, calling on her to urge states to end the blatant and arbitrary internet shutdowns that are ongoing during COVID-19.

Press Release
Civil society to WHO: let’s end government-ordered internet shutdowns
26 May 2020
Civil society to WHO: let’s end government-ordered internet shutdowns

#KeepItOn: Open letter to WHO Deputy Director-General to urge the governments to end shutdowns amid COVID-19

26 May 2020

Open letter appealing to the WHO Deputy Director-General to urge Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, and Pakistan to end internet shutdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Press Release
#KeepItOn: Open letter to WHO Deputy Director-General to urge the governments to end shutdowns amid COVID-19
26 May 2020
#KeepItOn: Open letter to WHO Deputy Director-General to urge the governments to end shutdowns amid COVID-19

Twitter dedicates emoji for ‘KeepItOn’ campaign to raise awareness on internet blackouts

26 May 2020
Twitter dedicates emoji for ‘KeepItOn’ campaign to raise awareness on internet blackouts
26 May 2020
Twitter dedicates emoji for ‘KeepItOn’ campaign to raise awareness on internet blackouts