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Tag: website blocking

Burkina Faso internet

What’s happening in Tigray? Internet shutdowns avert accountability

29 Jul 2021

Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are calling on all parties in the conflict to put an end to Tigray’s internet shutdowns.

Press Release
What’s happening in Tigray? Internet shutdowns avert accountability
29 Jul 2021
What’s happening in Tigray? Internet shutdowns avert accountability
India fake news law

Human rights organizations call on Egypt’s government to end internet censorship and website blocking

4 Nov 2020

Access Now and human rights organizations denounce the Egyptian authorities’ blocking of at least 600 websites since May 2017 including media, political and human rights platforms.

Press Release
Human rights organizations call on Egypt’s government to end internet censorship and website blocking
4 Nov 2020
Human rights organizations call on Egypt’s government to end internet censorship and website blocking

Country-wide internet disruptions reported in Azerbaijan

27 Sep 2020
Country-wide internet disruptions reported in Azerbaijan
27 Sep 2020
Country-wide internet disruptions reported in Azerbaijan
Focused View

‘Social media platforms will be held liable for failure to counter misuse’: CEC

26 Sep 2020
‘Social media platforms will be held liable for failure to counter misuse’: CEC
26 Sep 2020
‘Social media platforms will be held liable for failure to counter misuse’: CEC

Collateral website blocking unlawful: European Court of Human Rights orders Russia to pay €12,000 in damages

23 Jun 2020

The European Court of Human Rights unanimously ruled that collateral blocking of an entire website is an extreme and disproportionate measure that violates freedom of expression and the right to an effective remedy.

Press Release
Collateral website blocking unlawful: European Court of Human Rights orders Russia to pay €12,000 in damages
23 Jun 2020
Collateral website blocking unlawful: European Court of Human Rights orders Russia to pay €12,000 in damages

Human rights organizations call on Egyptian authorities to cease restrictions on internet freedoms and digital rights

19 May 2020

In a joint statement, rights organizations call on Egyptian authorities to lift restrictions on the right to free expression and stop curtailing free use of the internet — especially during COVID-19, when such restrictions risk human health.

Press Release
Human rights organizations call on Egyptian authorities to cease restrictions on internet freedoms and digital rights
19 May 2020
Human rights organizations call on Egyptian authorities to cease restrictions on internet freedoms and digital rights

L’algérie: Des associations tunisiennes demandent aux autorités algériennes de cesser de profiter de la pandémie du Covid-19 pour museler les médias indépendants

20 Apr 2020
Press Release
L’algérie: Des associations tunisiennes demandent aux autorités algériennes de cesser de profiter de la pandémie du Covid-19 pour museler les médias indépendants
20 Apr 2020
L’algérie: Des associations tunisiennes demandent aux autorités algériennes de cesser de profiter de la pandémie du Covid-19 pour museler les médias indépendants

جمعيات تونسية تُطالب السلطات الجزائرية بوضع حد لاستغلال جائحة كورونا لتكميم وسائل إعلام مُستقلة، واضطهاد صحفيين ناقدين

15 Apr 2020
Press Release
جمعيات تونسية تُطالب السلطات الجزائرية بوضع حد لاستغلال جائحة كورونا لتكميم وسائل إعلام مُستقلة، واضطهاد صحفيين ناقدين
15 Apr 2020
جمعيات تونسية تُطالب السلطات الجزائرية بوضع حد لاستغلال جائحة كورونا لتكميم وسائل إعلام مُستقلة، واضطهاد صحفيين ناقدين

Lina Ben Mhenni, rest in power

29 Jan 2020

On January 27th, renowned Tunisian blogger and human rights defender Lina Ben Mhenni passed away. In honor of her contributions to human rights, we share some of her accomplishments in defending freedom of expression and fighting against internet censorship.

Lina Ben Mhenni, rest in power
29 Jan 2020
Lina Ben Mhenni, rest in power

مصر: مرت سنة تقريباً على الحجب والمواقع  تصل إلى 500 موقع محجوب قبل الانتخابات الرئاسية

15 Mar 2018
مصر: مرت سنة تقريباً على الحجب والمواقع  تصل إلى 500 موقع محجوب قبل الانتخابات الرئاسية
15 Mar 2018
مصر: مرت سنة تقريباً على الحجب والمواقع  تصل إلى 500 موقع محجوب قبل الانتخابات الرئاسية