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Tag: Vodafone


Vodafone hears Access calls to go beyond transparency

30 Jul 2014

Speaking at Vodafone’s annual shareholder meeting in London on Tuesday, July 29, Access Senior Policy Counsel Peter Micek challenged the company to take a greater role in stopping government surveillance.

Vodafone hears Access calls to go beyond transparency
30 Jul 2014
Vodafone hears Access calls to go beyond transparency

Vodafone reports on law enforcement access to user data, worldwide

6 Jun 2014

Vodafone, the largest international mobile provider in the world, released today the most detailed transparency report ever.

Vodafone reports on law enforcement access to user data, worldwide
6 Jun 2014
Vodafone reports on law enforcement access to user data, worldwide

Telecom giant Vodafone releases groundbreaking transparency report

6 Jun 2014

Vodafone, the world’s largest international mobile provider, released its “Law Enforcement Disclosure Report” today, which gives statistics on user data requests in 14 countries including Albania, Tanzania, Hungary, and other jurisdictions that have never before released this type of information.

Telecom giant Vodafone releases groundbreaking transparency report
6 Jun 2014
Telecom giant Vodafone releases groundbreaking transparency report

Vodafone answers call for greater transparency worldwide

16 Jan 2014

Today, Vodafone announced it will ask governments in 25 countries for the right to disclose the number of demands it receives for wiretapping and customer data.

Vodafone answers call for greater transparency worldwide
16 Jan 2014
Vodafone answers call for greater transparency worldwide

Telco Hall of Shame: Vodafone

29 Jan 2013
Telco Hall of Shame: Vodafone
29 Jan 2013
Telco Hall of Shame: Vodafone

Vodafone Challenged to Release Transparency Report

20 Jul 2012

NEW YORK — As more cell phone companies face increased pressure to release the data of their users, the privacy and safety of people everywhere is under greater threat.

Vodafone Challenged to Release Transparency Report
20 Jul 2012
Vodafone Challenged to Release Transparency Report