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Tag: Vietnam

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Vietnam’s identity verification mandate will violate international human rights

4 Aug 2023

Viet Nam’s Identity Verification Mandate will Violate International Human Rights.

Press Release
Vietnam’s identity verification mandate will violate international human rights
4 Aug 2023
Vietnam’s identity verification mandate will violate international human rights
Photo by: Ilyass Seddoug

CSOs urge the UN to demand serious improvements to Vietnam’s human rights record

26 Oct 2022

CSOs call on the UN Resident Coordinator and UN agencies to publicly and pro-actively demand serious improvements to the government’s atrocious human rights record and to start holding it to account.

Press Release
CSOs urge the UN to demand serious improvements to Vietnam’s human rights record
26 Oct 2022
CSOs urge the UN to demand serious improvements to Vietnam’s human rights record
Content removal

Content takedowns on social media facilitate censorship in Asia

26 Apr 2022
Content takedowns on social media facilitate censorship in Asia
26 Apr 2022
Content takedowns on social media facilitate censorship in Asia
India fake news

Vietnam’s new social media take-down rules will intensify state censorship — they must be revoked

21 Apr 2022

Access Now is calling on Vietnam’s government to immediately revoke the new social media take-down rules.

Press Release
Vietnam’s new social media take-down rules will intensify state censorship — they must be revoked
21 Apr 2022
Vietnam’s new social media take-down rules will intensify state censorship — they must be revoked
India fake news

Vietnam: Immediately release Pham Doan Trang and stop persecution of free speech

26 Oct 2021

We are urgently calling on Vietnam’s government to release independent journalist and human rights defender Pham Doan Trang.

Press Release
Vietnam: Immediately release Pham Doan Trang and stop persecution of free speech
26 Oct 2021
Vietnam: Immediately release Pham Doan Trang and stop persecution of free speech
internet shutdowns elections

#KeepItOn 2021 Наблюдение за выборами

3 Sep 2021

In 2021, at least a dozen countries with a history of internet shutdowns are headed to the polls for important elections, and people fighting for their democracies need the world’s solidarity and support.

#KeepItOn 2021 Наблюдение за выборами
3 Sep 2021
#KeepItOn 2021 Наблюдение за выборами
internet shutdowns elections

#KeepItOn: 2021 Elections Watch

1 Jun 2021

In 2021, at least a dozen countries with a history of internet shutdowns are headed to the polls for important elections, and people fighting for their democracies need the world’s solidarity and support.

#KeepItOn: 2021 Elections Watch
1 Jun 2021
#KeepItOn: 2021 Elections Watch

Cách tấn công phishing mới trên Facebook ngăn chặn tiếng nói đấu tranh ở Việt Nam

15 Jan 2019

Gần đây Access Now đã nhận được một số báo cáo cho biết tài khoản Facebook của các blogger và nhà báo công dân Việt Nam chuyên viết về chủ đề dân chủ và nhân quyền, đang là mục tiêu tấn công trên mạng. Những cuộc tấn công này sử dụng một kỹ thuật gọi là “social engineering”. Theo đó, kẻ tấn công sẽ đánh lừa để khiến chủ tài khoản Facebook nằm trong tầm ngắm vì bị liên kết với nội dung vi phạm điều khoản dịch vụ của Facebook, dẫn đến tài khoản bị khóa và gần như là không thể phục hồi.

Cách tấn công phishing mới trên Facebook ngăn chặn tiếng nói đấu tranh ở Việt Nam
15 Jan 2019
Cách tấn công phishing mới trên Facebook ngăn chặn tiếng nói đấu tranh ở Việt Nam

New Facebook phishing attack taking Vietnamese opposition voices offline

23 Oct 2018

Access Now’s Digital Security Helpline is warning against social engineering attacks in Vietnam that target bloggers and citizen journalists writing about democracy and human rights.

New Facebook phishing attack taking Vietnamese opposition voices offline
23 Oct 2018
New Facebook phishing attack taking Vietnamese opposition voices offline

At the United Nations, UPR surfaces threats to our digital ecosystem

18 Jul 2018

In the current review cycle, we provide evidence on the human rights situation in Chile, New Zealand, Uruguay, Vietnam, and Yemen.

At the United Nations, UPR surfaces threats to our digital ecosystem
18 Jul 2018
At the United Nations, UPR surfaces threats to our digital ecosystem