Tag: United States

California bill would help close digital divide and make the state a leader on connectivity
Access Now applauds California State Senator Lena Gonzalez’s SB 1130, legislation that would update the state’s broadband buildout program.

The HEROES Act will help bring millions of disconnected people back online in the U.S.
Access Now applauds the U.S. House of Representatives’s introduction of the HEROES Act, COVID-19 relief that would help bring millions of disconnected people back online.

Are Contact-Tracing Apps the Answer? Lessons the US Can Learn From Other Countries

Privacy protections inadequate in USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act of 2020
Access Now joins a coalition of civil society organizations in calling on the U.S. Senate to improve H.R. 6172, the USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act of 2020.

U.S. Senate Republicans’ COVID-19 data protection bill misses the mark
Access Now calls on the U.S. Senate to improve the COVID-19 Consumer Data Protection Act.

Government responses to COVID-19 reinforce the need to ask — #WhyID?
The ongoing global health crisis has demonstrated with painful clarity the risks posed by digital identity systems that centralize biometric data, health records, and other sensitive personal information. It is essential that governments, development agencies, funders, and all other stakeholders first ask the question #WhyID.

The U.S. FCC surprisingly claims broadband deployment is great amid COVID-19 pandemic
Access Now calls out the U.S. FCC for refusing to acknowledge insufficient broadband deployment.

Thank you for standing up for data protection and democracy in the U.S.!
Access Now delivered over 4,000 signatures on a petition reminding U.S. presidential candidates of the importance of data protection.

Demand U.S. FCC & Congress expand broadband and Lifeline access during COVID-19 crisis
Join us in demanding that FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and Congressional leadership expand internet and phone access for those who need it most.

U.S. Senate ignores the disconnected in COVID-19 response bill
Access Now calls out the U.S. Senate for ignoring the disconnected in its COVID-19 response bill, which includes almost no funding to improve broadband internet access or affordability.