Tag: United States

Democracy in demise: Trump Administration puppet Ajit Pai says FCC will interpret Section 230
Access Now strongly condemns the U.S. Federal Communications Commission’s decision to interpret Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

Closing the digital divide: new bill can get Indigenous populations online
Access Now endorses the Extending Tribal Broadband Priority Act of 2020, legislation that would require the Federal Communications Commission to create additional time for Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations to apply for spectrum licenses.

Correcting the record in California Net Neutrality battle: civil society takes a stand
Access Now and public interest partners filed an amicus brief in defense of California’s net neutrality law, SB 822.

Civil society to U.S. Congress: don’t let disinformation run rampant
Access Now and public interest partners oppose the Online Content Policy Modernization Act, legislation that would hamper platforms’ ability to combat disinformation and hate speech.

Unpacking the PACT Act
The PACT Act is the most reasonable approach we’ve seen to date to reform Section 230 of the U.S. Communications Decency Act. While not the silver bullet solution, the bill has the potential to move us in the right direction on liability reform.

Trump executive orders targeting China-linked apps fail to protect privacy, harm human rights
Unilateral decrees by the Trump Administration banning transactions between U.S. persons and businesses and the firms running WeChat and TikTok would deprive millions of people of information and communication tools during a global pandemic, restrict human rights groups from reaching at-risk communities, and suppress free expression just before the U.S. election.

The SAFE DATA Act is “safe” in name only
Introduced by U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, the SAFE Data Act does little to protect our data from exploitation and abuse.

Human rights groups ask U.N. to intervene in U.S. crackdown on racial justice protesters
Access Now and partners ask the United Nations to take a stand against the U.S. government’s violent response to peaceful protests.

Amend Section 230? Not Trump’s call
Access Now submitted comments to the U.S. FCC condemning President Trump’s petition that asks the agency to reinterpret Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

Access Now publishes U.S. digital rights agenda
Access Now releases its digital rights policy recommendations for the incoming U.S. president.