Tag: United States

Holding Biden to account: Access Now’s new tool tracks digital rights, tech policy
On the day of Joe Biden’s inauguration, Access Now launches a new online tool to track how well the incoming administration addresses key digital rights issues, including data protection, net neutrality, disinformation, and facial recognition.

U.S. Senate Democrats and civil society denounce Simington nomination to FCC
Members of the U.S. Congress and civil society representatives voice strong opposition to President Trump’s FCC nominee, Nathan Simington, whose appointment would threaten net neutrality protections, freedom of expression, and broadband access.

To protect digital rights, Biden-Harris administration must reflect diversity of the American experience
The incoming Biden-Harris administration must ensure agency hires hail from diverse backgrounds and prioritize civil rights and technology equities.

Stop Trump’s pro-censorship FCC nominee
Action Alert: Trump is trying to appoint one of the worst, most dangerous FCC commissioners the United States has ever seen to gut protections for free speech online, and Mitch McConnell is speeding the Senate toward his confirmation.

U.S. FCC continues to pretend its net neutrality repeal is harmless
The U.S. FCC will vote on an order upholding its rights-harming decision to repeal net neutrality protections.

Shutting down the internet shouldn’t be so easy
Access Now applauds a new bill introduced in the U.S. Congress that would help curtail the president’s ability to shut down the internet.

No impunity for American companies committing rights violations, says civil society to U.S. Supreme Court
Access Now joined civil society organizations in urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hold American companies liable for human rights violations committed abroad via the Alien Tort Statute.

Civil society calls on telcos to keep demonstrators connected during U.S. election
Access Now and public interest partners urge wireless providers to ensure adequate wireless capacity during the November U.S. election.

Civil society urges U.S. FCC to protect privacy
Access Now joined public interest partners in calling on the FCC to uphold Customer Proprietary Network Information privacy protections.

How internet shutdowns are threatening 2020 elections, and what you can do about it
Elections are increasingly becoming a trigger point for internet shutdowns, and governments have already flipped the kill switch during elections in 2020. The #KeepItOn coalition is mobilizing to keep people connected as they go to the polls in the coming weeks.