Tag: United States

Civil society won’t back down: the fight for net neutrality continues in California
Access Now and civil society partners filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit supporting California’s robust net neutrality law, SB 822.

Phone contracts should not bind survivors to abusers — SAFE Connections Act needed now
Access Now strongly endorses the SAFE Connections Act, to be considered in the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee today. The legislation would make it easier for survivors of domestic violence to separate from shared phone plans that include their abuser.

Internet for all? Biden has a $100B vision
Access Now applauds President Biden’s plan to allocate $100 billion to improve internet access in the United States.

Making headway: reintroduction of U.S. PACT Act is step forward
Access Now supports the reintroduction of the PACT Act, a welcome advancement towards combating harmful content online.

Internet for all? A cure for the digital divide in the U.S.
Access Now endorses the “Accessible, Affordable Internet for All Act,” an important step towards ensuring everyone in the United States can get online.

Civil society to Biden administration: halt facial recognition technology
Access Now joined over 40 civil society organizations in a letter to the Biden administration calling for a federal moratorium on the use of facial recognition technology.

U.S. FCC should quickly deliver Emergency Broadband Benefit to people in need
Access Now and Free Press urge the U.S. Federal Communications Commission to immediately implement the Emergency Broadband Benefit program that Congress established in the pandemic-relief package.

Democrats in U.S. Congress propose privacy-protective COVID response bill
Access Now welcomes the re-introduction of the rights-respecting Public Health Emergency Privacy Act in the U.S. Congress.

In wake of U.S. Capitol attack, Access Now and 70+ civil society groups warn against overbroad changes to Section 230
A broad-based coalition sent a letter to the U.S. Congress and the Biden-Harris administration warning against responding to the violence in the U.S. Capitol by renewing injudicious attacks on Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

U.S. Digital Rights in the Biden Era
As the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration and new U.S. Congress get to work, human rights in the digital era need to be at the top of their agenda. Here’s how we’re tracking U.S. tech policy in 2021 — and how you can help.