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Tag: United Nations


Internet rights in focus: 38th session of the Human Rights Council

19 Jun 2018

Our joint review with APC of the internet and human rights issues at stake in the 38th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, June 18-July 6

Internet rights in focus: 38th session of the Human Rights Council
19 Jun 2018
Internet rights in focus: 38th session of the Human Rights Council

Russia: Telegram block leads to widespread assault on freedom of expression online

30 Apr 2018

Access Now joins a coalition of rights organizations in calling on Russia to stop blocking the encrypted messaging application Telegram, and to cease its broader attack on free expression online and the free press.

Russia: Telegram block leads to widespread assault on freedom of expression online
30 Apr 2018
Russia: Telegram block leads to widespread assault on freedom of expression online

Defending the right to privacy globally: 8 key recommendations for the digital age

25 Apr 2018

Our submission to the United Nations on “the right to privacy in the digital age” details ways that governments can protect this fundamental right.

Defending the right to privacy globally: 8 key recommendations for the digital age
25 Apr 2018
Defending the right to privacy globally: 8 key recommendations for the digital age

Access Now, USC IHRC urge United Nations to take action on human rights in Cameroon

8 Mar 2018

Our letter to the U.N. High Commissioner on Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, urges the United Nations to address recent human rights violations committed by the Republic of Cameroon against the country’s Anglophone population.

Press Release
Access Now, USC IHRC urge United Nations to take action on human rights in Cameroon
8 Mar 2018
Access Now, USC IHRC urge United Nations to take action on human rights in Cameroon

Tunisia: for a free press, journalists must have privacy

13 Feb 2018

The Minister of the Interior admits to spying on journalists’ phone calls with protesters.

Tunisia: for a free press, journalists must have privacy
13 Feb 2018
Tunisia: for a free press, journalists must have privacy

The gender of surveillance: how the world can work together for a safer internet

6 Feb 2018

For gender equality by 2030, civil society and governments need to collaborate on preventing gendered surveillance.

The gender of surveillance: how the world can work together for a safer internet
6 Feb 2018
The gender of surveillance: how the world can work together for a safer internet

Access Now at the 2017 Internet Governance Forum

15 Dec 2017

Here’s where we will be at IGF 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland on December 18-21.

Access Now at the 2017 Internet Governance Forum
15 Dec 2017
Access Now at the 2017 Internet Governance Forum

Poverty in the U.S.? Yes — and it’s a digital rights issue

16 Nov 2017

We’re asking the United Nations to examine barriers to internet access, invasion of privacy for welfare recipients, and the targeted surveillance of immigrant, poor, and minority communities.

Poverty in the U.S.? Yes — and it’s a digital rights issue
16 Nov 2017
Poverty in the U.S.? Yes — and it’s a digital rights issue

Privacy, yes! But not at the ITU

16 Oct 2017

The structure and mandate of the International Telecommunications Union make it a poor vehicle for crafting policy on privacy.

Privacy, yes! But not at the ITU
16 Oct 2017
Privacy, yes! But not at the ITU

United Nations urged to intervene in Cameroon to stop the violence and internet shutdowns

6 Oct 2017
United Nations urged to intervene in Cameroon to stop the violence and internet shutdowns
6 Oct 2017
United Nations urged to intervene in Cameroon to stop the violence and internet shutdowns