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Tag: United Nations

#KeepItOn during elections

U.N. experts at RightsCon: digital rights violations enable and escalate violence during crises

15 Jun 2022

Access Now welcomes a U.N. expert statement released at the conclusion of RightsCon 2022 that draws attention to digital rights in conflict and crises.

Press Release
U.N. experts at RightsCon: digital rights violations enable and escalate violence during crises
15 Jun 2022
U.N. experts at RightsCon: digital rights violations enable and escalate violence during crises
U.N. Joint Statement RightsCon

Why the U.N. is focusing on digital rights during humanitarian crises

21 Apr 2022

Digital rights violations enable and escalate offline violence, deepening humanitarian crises. Our latest brief recaps key developments at the 49th United Nations Human Rights Council, guiding delegates in next steps for advancing global norms and standards to protect digital rights. 

Why the U.N. is focusing on digital rights during humanitarian crises
21 Apr 2022
Why the U.N. is focusing on digital rights during humanitarian crises
Digital rights

Access Now to U.N.: it’s time for transparency in the Tech Envoy process

10 Feb 2022

Transparency and inclusivity are critical to a successful Tech Envoy appointment. The U.N. must make all key information publicly accessible.

Press Release
Access Now to U.N.: it’s time for transparency in the Tech Envoy process
10 Feb 2022
Access Now to U.N.: it’s time for transparency in the Tech Envoy process
Myanmar's digital dictatorship

Open letter to the Prime Minister of Norway: stop the sale of Telenor Myanmar to M1 Group

31 Jan 2022

We write to the Prime Minister of Norway on behalf of 168 organisations in Myanmar to express our grave concern regarding the sale of Telenor Myanmar to M1 Group.

Press Release
Open letter to the Prime Minister of Norway: stop the sale of Telenor Myanmar to M1 Group
31 Jan 2022
Open letter to the Prime Minister of Norway: stop the sale of Telenor Myanmar to M1 Group
U.N. Joint Statement RightsCon

Access Now addresses the U.N. Security Council on countering hate speech online

28 Oct 2021

Before the United Nations Security Council, Access Now explained proactive ways to address and counter hate speech online.

Access Now addresses the U.N. Security Council on countering hate speech online
28 Oct 2021
Access Now addresses the U.N. Security Council on countering hate speech online

Coalition Letter to the 48th U.N. Human Rights Council (HRC) on Pegasus

30 Sep 2021

We call on U.N. Human Rights Council to take urgent action to denounce the human rights violations facilitated by NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware.

Press Release
Coalition Letter to the 48th U.N. Human Rights Council (HRC) on Pegasus
30 Sep 2021
Coalition Letter to the 48th U.N. Human Rights Council (HRC) on Pegasus

Act now against spyware, coalition tells U.N. Human Rights Council

30 Sep 2021

As the U.N. Human Rights Council convenes, Access Now is urging member states to denounce abuses facilitated by spyware technologies. 

Press Release
Act now against spyware, coalition tells U.N. Human Rights Council
30 Sep 2021
Act now against spyware, coalition tells U.N. Human Rights Council

In a win for human rights, U.S. invites U.N. racism experts for official visit

16 Jul 2021

The U.S. State Department invited U.N. experts on racism to investigate systemic racism and police violence against protesters in the United States.

Press Release
In a win for human rights, U.S. invites U.N. racism experts for official visit
16 Jul 2021
In a win for human rights, U.S. invites U.N. racism experts for official visit
Digital rights

At the U.N., a new push to end surveillance of protesters — and protect their lawyers

7 Jul 2021

Digital surveillance is threatening the right to protest worldwide. U.N. human rights expert Clément Voule is fighting for strong encryption and tight restrictions on the use of spyware. Here’s why that push is important for human rights lawyers and the activists they represent.

At the U.N., a new push to end surveillance of protesters — and protect their lawyers
7 Jul 2021
At the U.N., a new push to end surveillance of protesters — and protect their lawyers
KeepItOn Election shutdown handbook header image

Internet shutdowns now ‘entrenched’ in certain regions, rights council hears

1 Jul 2021
Internet shutdowns now ‘entrenched’ in certain regions, rights council hears
1 Jul 2021
Internet shutdowns now ‘entrenched’ in certain regions, rights council hears