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UPR: Universal Periodic Review

Joint submission to the UNHRC 41st Session for the UPR of India

11 Apr 2022
Joint submission to the UNHRC 41st Session for the UPR of India
11 Apr 2022
Joint submission to the UNHRC 41st Session for the UPR of India
UPR: Universal Periodic Review

Joint submission to the UNHRC 41st Session for the UPR of Indonesia

11 Apr 2022
Joint submission to the UNHRC 41st Session for the UPR of Indonesia
11 Apr 2022
Joint submission to the UNHRC 41st Session for the UPR of Indonesia
UPR: Universal Periodic Review

Joint submission to the UNHRC 41st Session for the UPR of the Philippines

11 Apr 2022
Joint submission to the UNHRC 41st Session for the UPR of the Philippines
11 Apr 2022
Joint submission to the UNHRC 41st Session for the UPR of the Philippines
UNHRC_Eric Bridiers

Access Now and global partners report to Human Rights Council on most pressing digital rights issues in Nicaragua, DRC, Qatar, Ethiopia, and Costa Rica

10 Oct 2018

Our reports cover a country’s human rights obligations, developments since the last review, and pressing examples with evidence to show how rights are being violated or put at risk.

Access Now and global partners report to Human Rights Council on most pressing digital rights issues in Nicaragua, DRC, Qatar, Ethiopia, and Costa Rica
10 Oct 2018
Access Now and global partners report to Human Rights Council on most pressing digital rights issues in Nicaragua, DRC, Qatar, Ethiopia, and Costa Rica

U.N. targets tech companies with call for data protection and transparency

22 Nov 2016

The new United Nations privacy resolution recognizes that companies must act to protect rights.

U.N. targets tech companies with call for data protection and transparency
22 Nov 2016
U.N. targets tech companies with call for data protection and transparency

Your digital rights at the United Nations: Human Rights Council 33rd session

14 Sep 2016

Here’s what’s on the agenda for digital rights at the 33rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Your digital rights at the United Nations: Human Rights Council 33rd session
14 Sep 2016
Your digital rights at the United Nations: Human Rights Council 33rd session

Briefing note: UN Human Rights Council 26th session

18 Dec 2015

The 26th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC26) will take place in Geneva from 10 to 27 June. A wide range of internet-related human rights issues will be discussed at this HRC26 session, including racism and the internet, online freedom of expression during elections processes, and technology-related violence against women. These discussions signal a continuing trend at the HRC of a focus on the internet and human rights.

Briefing note: UN Human Rights Council 26th session
18 Dec 2015
Briefing note: UN Human Rights Council 26th session

Human Rights Council Briefing Note: 24th Session

18 Dec 2015

Access and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) have prepared a short briefing on the internet related human rights items that will be addressed at Human Rights Council 24, as well as some background on the Council’s work on the internet and human rights.

Human Rights Council Briefing Note: 24th Session
18 Dec 2015
Human Rights Council Briefing Note: 24th Session

Joint Statement on Surveillance at the UN Human Rights Council’s 24th Session

18 Dec 2015

Access, together with the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Reporters Without Borders (RWB), the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), and Privacy International have submitted a written statement to the UN Human Rights Council’s 24th session. The statement highlights the need to bring surveillance practices in line with international human rights norms, in a manner consistent with the International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance, and makes specific recommendations to the HRC.

Joint Statement on Surveillance at the UN Human Rights Council’s 24th Session
18 Dec 2015
Joint Statement on Surveillance at the UN Human Rights Council’s 24th Session

APC and Access Briefing note on the 27th session of the UN Human Rights Council

15 Dec 2015

The 27th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC27) will take place in Geneva from 8-26 September 2014. Internet rights and freedoms will feature prominently with the highlight being the Council’s consideration of the landmark report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on the Right to Privacy in the Digital Age and related panel discussion on September 12th and a discussion on violence against children online. Learn more in this briefing note prepared by APC and Access.

APC and Access Briefing note on the 27th session of the UN Human Rights Council
15 Dec 2015
APC and Access Briefing note on the 27th session of the UN Human Rights Council