Tag: UN

The UN risks normalizing internet censorship

Oral Statement – UN Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime 6th Session (NY) Arts 6-10, 36

United Nations Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of ICTs for Criminal Purposes

Silenced, spied on, and stalked: why we’re taking the fight for gender equality to the UN

Submission to the UNESCO Consultation on “Internet for Trust – Towards Guidelines for Regulating Digital Platforms for Information as a Public Good”

Where to find Access Now at IGF 2022
Access Now is participating in IGF 2022 from 28 November to 2 December. Here’s where to find us.

#KeepItOn: U.N. spotlights global impacts of internet shutdowns with new report
OHCHR has joined civil society’s wave of pressure to elevate the devastating impacts of internet shutdowns through its new internet shutdowns report.

U.N. experts at RightsCon: digital rights violations enable and escalate violence during crises
Access Now welcomes a U.N. expert statement released at the conclusion of RightsCon 2022 that draws attention to digital rights in conflict and crises.

Access Now’s first oral statement at the second session of the UN AHC Cybercrime meeting

Why the U.N. is focusing on digital rights during humanitarian crises
Digital rights violations enable and escalate offline violence, deepening humanitarian crises. Our latest brief recaps key developments at the 49th United Nations Human Rights Council, guiding delegates in next steps for advancing global norms and standards to protect digital rights.