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Tag: U.N.

Digital rights

Access Now to U.N.: it’s time for transparency in the Tech Envoy process

10 Feb 2022

Transparency and inclusivity are critical to a successful Tech Envoy appointment. The U.N. must make all key information publicly accessible.

Press Release
Access Now to U.N.: it’s time for transparency in the Tech Envoy process
10 Feb 2022
Access Now to U.N.: it’s time for transparency in the Tech Envoy process
Thumbnail image: internet shutdowns

U.N. propels internet shutdowns into the spotlight, calls on key stakeholders to act

1 Jul 2021

Access Now is thrilled to promote a new addendum report to the United Nations Human Rights Council on the pressing need to combat internet shutdowns globally. 

Press Release
U.N. propels internet shutdowns into the spotlight, calls on key stakeholders to act
1 Jul 2021
U.N. propels internet shutdowns into the spotlight, calls on key stakeholders to act
U.N. Joint Statement RightsCon

U.N. Joint Statement: experts call for centering digital rights in pandemic recovery on eve of RightsCon 2021

7 Jun 2021

Access Now welcomes a joint statement from U.N. Special Procedures emphasizing that digital rights are “a top priority” to rebuild civic space amid COVID-19 recovery.

Press Release
U.N. Joint Statement: experts call for centering digital rights in pandemic recovery on eve of RightsCon 2021
7 Jun 2021
U.N. Joint Statement: experts call for centering digital rights in pandemic recovery on eve of RightsCon 2021
Digital rights

To protect privacy in the digital age, world governments can and must do more

25 Jan 2021

The latest U.N. privacy resolution does not go far enough, missing the opportunity to respond firmly to the human rights threats posed by systemic racism, artificial intelligence, facial recognition technology, and other key technological and social developments.

To protect privacy in the digital age, world governments can and must do more
25 Jan 2021
To protect privacy in the digital age, world governments can and must do more

Watch: Access Now’s Joseph Steele addresses 75th United Nations General Assembly

23 Sep 2020

In a U.N. meeting on protecting future generations in the digital era, Steele urged global stakeholders to cease exploitative data collection, renew the commitment to bring everyone meaningfully online, and stop internet shutdowns and unlawful censorship.

Watch: Access Now’s Joseph Steele addresses 75th United Nations General Assembly
23 Sep 2020
Watch: Access Now’s Joseph Steele addresses 75th United Nations General Assembly