Tag: Twitter
أحلام محطّمة وفرص ضائعة – سنة قضّيناها في مقاومة حجب الإنترنت (#KeepItOn)
أصدرت Access Now و ائتلاف #KeepItOn تقرير عن أخبار حجب الإنترنت يتضمن بيانات عن عام 2020 بأكمله
Rapport : Rêves brisés et opportunités perdues – une année de combat pour #KeepItOn
Access Now et la coalition #KeepItOn a rendu compte de l’actualité de l’arrêt d’Internet avec les données de toute l’année 2020.
Informe #KeepItOn: Los apagones de internet rompen sueños y ponen vidas en peligro
El nuevo informe de Access Now, Sueños rotos y oportunidades perdidas: un año en la lucha por #KeepItOn, explora dónde, cómo y por qué se apagó deliberadamente internet en 2020, y las repercusiones duraderas para las comunidades de todo el mundo.
Internet shutdowns report: Shattered dreams and lost opportunities — a year in the fight to #KeepItOn
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition report on internet shutdown news, exploring data from the entire year of 2020.
Informe: Sueños rotos y oportunidades perdidas: un año en la lucha por #KeepItOn
Cutting internet access when people need it the most: stories from Uganda
Join us and share these 15 personal stories to show how the shutdowns in Uganda during the 2021 presidential election are affecting people’s lives. Amplify voices from Uganda.
Twitter Temporarily Blocked Accounts Critical Of The Indian Government
Government orders internet shutdown in Delhi on India’s Republic Day
Update: February 4, 2021 — As the #FarmersProtest across India continues to grow, the wave of online censorship has accelerated across the country.
“No matter what they do, the world is watching”: Some Ugandans are back online after internet shutdown during presidential election
On the eve of the 2021 presidential election in Uganda, the government ordered a complete internet shutdown. Voters headed out to the polls with no methods of online communication or tools to access information about the election process or outcome.