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Tag: Tunisian League of Human Rights


الاحتجاجات في تونس والتصعيد نحو الرقابة والقمع

5 Feb 2021
الاحتجاجات في تونس والتصعيد نحو الرقابة والقمع
5 Feb 2021
الاحتجاجات في تونس والتصعيد نحو الرقابة والقمع

Tunisia’s protests and the slippery slope to censorship and repression

4 Feb 2021

On the tenth anniversary of Tunisia’s revolution, hundreds of Tunisians took to the streets in protest. The ensuing police crackdown on Tunisia’s protests was brutal, revealing the fragility of Tunisians’ democratic freedoms. We call on lawmakers to strengthen and protect their rights, online and off.

Tunisia’s protests and the slippery slope to censorship and repression
4 Feb 2021
Tunisia’s protests and the slippery slope to censorship and repression