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Tag: Trump

Tell U.S. FCC: Don’t help Trump spread disinformation

31 Aug 2020

Disinformation has no place in a democracy. Tell the FCC to reject President Trump’s effort to bully his fact-checkers and fundamentally change Section 230 — the legal backbone of the internet.

Tell U.S. FCC: Don’t help Trump spread disinformation
31 Aug 2020
Tell U.S. FCC: Don’t help Trump spread disinformation

Trump appointee strips funding from vital media groups, puts global internet freedom at risk

18 Jun 2020

Today Access Now joined more than 30 public interest and human rights organizations in a letter to the U.S. Congress that calls for continued support of the Open Technology Fund (OTF) and global internet freedom.

Press Release
Trump appointee strips funding from vital media groups, puts global internet freedom at risk
18 Jun 2020
Trump appointee strips funding from vital media groups, puts global internet freedom at risk
Breton's blocking statement

Trump’s executive order may lead to stricter social media rules in India

31 May 2020
Trump’s executive order may lead to stricter social media rules in India
31 May 2020
Trump’s executive order may lead to stricter social media rules in India

Fourth Annual Heroes & Villains of Human Rights and Communications Surveillance

4 Oct 2017

Here are the five winners — and losers — of the Heroes & Villains of Human Rights and Communications Surveillance Awards, recognizing those who have helped or harmed digital rights in 2017.

Fourth Annual Heroes & Villains of Human Rights and Communications Surveillance
4 Oct 2017
Fourth Annual Heroes & Villains of Human Rights and Communications Surveillance

DreamHost disrupts U.S. DOJ plan for mass spying. Others should do the same.

17 Aug 2017

The expansive U.S. order stands in contravention of our fundamental rights to privacy and freedom of expression.

DreamHost disrupts U.S. DOJ plan for mass spying. Others should do the same.
17 Aug 2017
DreamHost disrupts U.S. DOJ plan for mass spying. Others should do the same.

Access Now responds to Director Comey’s termination: New FBI director must respect human rights

10 May 2017

The change in leadership at one of the United States’ top intelligence agencies will have repercussions for vulnerable individuals and communities around the world.

Press Release
Access Now responds to Director Comey’s termination: New FBI director must respect human rights
10 May 2017
Access Now responds to Director Comey’s termination: New FBI director must respect human rights

Global perspectives on resisting populist authoritarianism

16 Feb 2017

Our global staff share their views about Trump and populism from around the world.

Global perspectives on resisting populist authoritarianism
16 Feb 2017
Global perspectives on resisting populist authoritarianism

Tech workers of the world, unite for human rights!

16 Feb 2017

More tech workers in the U.S. are challenging company leadership to respect human rights. Will the new energy last?

Tech workers of the world, unite for human rights!
16 Feb 2017
Tech workers of the world, unite for human rights!

End the Privacy Shield: Access Now urges the European Commission to suspend Privacy Shield due to changes in US policies

8 Feb 2017

Our letter asks for suspension of the Privacy Shield agreement in light of developments in the United States that cast new doubt on its capacity for protecting Europeans’ rights.

Press Release
End the Privacy Shield: Access Now urges the European Commission to suspend Privacy Shield due to changes in US policies
8 Feb 2017
End the Privacy Shield: Access Now urges the European Commission to suspend Privacy Shield due to changes in US policies

The state of EU-US data transfer, in a tweet

8 Feb 2017

The Privacy Shield was flawed from the beginning and the recent changes in US law and policy only add insult to injury.

The state of EU-US data transfer, in a tweet
8 Feb 2017
The state of EU-US data transfer, in a tweet