Tag: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

10 Things you should know about the EU-US trade agreement

TiSA leaks: What future for the world’s largest trade agreements?

Why transparency matters in Europe’s trade negotiations
In the TTIP and CETA trade negotiations in Europe, transparency is the key to legitimacy and accountability.

The TTIP leaks: what does it mean for your digital rights?
Documents leaked from ongoing, highly secretive negotiations between the United States and Europe reveal that human rights remain at risk, progress is slow, and we’re still not sure what the final outcome will be.

European Parliament adopts a mixed-bag resolution on TTIP
On Wednesday the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). This resolution clarifies the Parliament’s position on the proposed EU.-US trade deal, providing guidance to the European Commission on how to continue the negotiations.

EU Decision on TTIP Threatens ‘Corporate Takeover’ of the Internet, Risks Users’ Rights
Today the European Parliament’s trade committee is expected to decide whether to give the European Commision carte blanche to continue negotiations on a mechanism that would make it easier for foreign corporations to influence legislation in Europe.

Why you should care about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Today, as the European Parliament’s trade committee considers amendments to its position on the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), Access has published a brief to help people on both sides of the Atlantic understand what’s at stake in the negotiations.

TTIP: a peek into the negotiations
As the 8th round of the TTIP negotiations just ended in Brussels, Access reflects on the state of play of this major transatlantic trade deal.

Access Spotlights the Hot Digital Rights Issues of 2015
2014 was a major year for digital rights, with some significant victories and some worrying setbacks. 2015 is poised to be no different. This year, we asked Access staff to spotlight the big digital freedom issues for 2015. And we’ll need your help in the fight for digital freedom around the globe.

Leak: U.S. pushing to undermine net neutrality and privacy in major trade agreements
New leaked document on the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) exposes threats to privacy, data protection, and net neutrality.