Tag: Tracking

MENA: amid COVID-19 fear and chaos, don’t be a privacy offender!
Many internet users in the Middle East and North Africa region are disclosing other people’s personal data on social media. During COVID-19, violating privacy can risk lives.

Joint letter to the Council of the EU on the ePrivacy reform

In vote on ePrivacy, European Parliament confirms mandate to move reform forward
The Parliament chose to support users’ rights and now has a solid mandate to continue working on the ePrivacy Regulation.

In vote on ePrivacy, EU civil liberties committee makes improvements for users’ rights
The report is an important step toward adoption of a strong ePrivacy Regulation, with room to improve in defense against online tracking.

Will the EU Parliament protect your rights in “ePrivacy” reform? You have a week to take action
Here’s the status of the reform process in Europe, and what you can do to ensure your rights are protected.

Amendments to Commission’s proposal for an ePrivacy Regulation

Updated: Access Now position paper on the review of the e-Privacy Directive

The Rise of Mobile Tracking Headers: How Telcos Around the World Are Threatening Your Privacy

Supercookies Live On, and We’ve Got to Stop Them
Access has been fighting the use of supercookies since last fall, when we learned that the mobile carrier Verizon Wireless had been secretly injecting Unique Identifier Headers, or UIDH, into every single http request made by its mobile users. Recently, we learned even more disturbing news about mobile tracking on Verizon and other cell phone carriers over the past few weeks. Even without this type of third-party abuse, though, the very existence of these cookies violates our privacy rights if we can’t truly opt out.