Tag: throttling

Internet throttling in Bangladesh: government, telcos must #KeepItOn
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are demanding unfettered access to all people across Bangladesh at all times.

Open letter: authorities and telecom providers in Bangladesh must maintain unhindered internet access for all
The #KeepItOn coalition calls on public authorities and internet service providers in Bangladesh to not interfere with internet access.

UN Experts join civil society in condemning Myanmar military’s “digital dictatorship” and call for Member State action
Access Now supports UN human rights experts’ condemnation of the Myanmar military’s efforts to cement a “digital dictatorship.”

Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: MENA in the dark
In 2021, Access Now documented at least 23 shutdowns in nine countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Read “The return of digital authoritarianism: internet shutdowns in 2021.”

Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: digital authoritarianism returning across the globe
New: “The return of digital authoritarianism: internet shutdowns in 2021” unpacks the data, trends, and stories behind a year of internet shutdowns.

Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: India is the world’s largest offender
India is the world’s largest offender, and blacked out the internet at least 106 times in 2021. Read “The return of digital authoritarianism: internet shutdowns in 2021”

Internet shutdowns in 2021: the return of digital authoritarianism
In 2021, Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition documented 182 internet shutdowns across 34 countries. This shows a dramatic resurgence of this oppressive form of control.

Update: internet access, censorship, and the Myanmar coup
The Myanmar military is consolidating control over the telecom sector, expanding surveillance and invading privacy. The telecom sector must push back.

Internet shutdowns and blockings continue to hide atrocities of military coup in Sudan
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are again calling on authorities in Sudan to immediately restore full access to the internet and all communication services.