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Tag: The Pegasus Project

India fake news

In Asia, parliaments must protect rights online — or lose democracy

26 Jul 2021

As parliaments across Asia convene, governments continue pushing deeply flawed laws and policies, while relegating digital rights to the sidelines. Here’s what’s happening in India, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand, and why members of parliament must take action to protect our rights before any more damage is done.  

In Asia, parliaments must protect rights online — or lose democracy
26 Jul 2021
In Asia, parliaments must protect rights online — or lose democracy

Unsafe and unchecked: government use of spyware raging around the world

19 Jul 2021

In light of reports of human rights abuses facilitated by NSO Group, Candiru, and Cellebrite, Access Now is calling for accountability.

Press Release
Unsafe and unchecked: government use of spyware raging around the world
19 Jul 2021
Unsafe and unchecked: government use of spyware raging around the world