Tag: Telenor

It’s not over until it’s over: sanctions must stop Telenor’s sale to the Myanmar military
Access Now is is calling for sanctions to stop Telenor’s irresponsible disposal of its Myanmar operations.

Resist Myanmar’s digital coup: stop the military consolidating digital control
Access Now and a coalition of human rights organizations call on the international and business community to resist the digital coup in Myanmar.

Open letter to the Prime Minister of Norway: stop the sale of Telenor Myanmar to M1 Group
We write to the Prime Minister of Norway on behalf of 168 organisations in Myanmar to express our grave concern regarding the sale of Telenor Myanmar to M1 Group.

As Myanmar junta extends control over telcos, surveillance and privacy risks increase
Telenor must mitigate the human rights risks of its sale before passing on the private information of people in Myanmar to a military-linked operator.

Access Now to Telenor: where are the answers Myanmar deserves on the M1 sale?
Access Now is once again calling on Telenor to address the rights risks that the sale to M1 Group will generate.

Access Now to Telenor’s Board: Stop the sale in Myanmar
The Telenor Board must immediately stop the sale of its Myanmar operations to M1 Group, and protect the human rights of subscribers in Myanmar.

Halt the sale! Telenor exiting Myanmar risks human rights
Access Now and partners call on Telenor to halt the sale of its Myanmar outfit to shady M1 Group, and immediately conduct human rights due diligence.

Telenor’s exit from Myanmar leaves behind safety and human rights questions
Access Now is alarmed by Telenor’s rapid exit from Myanmar, which raises serious questions about the future of rights online in Myanmar.

2019 Corporate Accountability Index shows how companies must improve to respect our rights
Of the 24 companies Ranking Digital Rights evaluated this year for its Corporate Accountability Index, only seven scored above 50%, with Microsoft topping the list at 62%. Companies must do better to respect users’ rights.
Telenor and Ooredoo win Myanmar telecoms licenses
Myanmar has chosen the two winners of its new telecoms licenses, Telenor Mobile Communications of Norway and Ooredoo of Qatar. After winning the highly competitive process, they will have their work cut out for them, both operationally and in with regards to human rights.