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Tag: Telegram


Access Now to Telegram: protect the rights of 500 million people

8 Dec 2021

Access Now and a coalition of civil society organizations are sounding the alarm over safety and security issues plaguing Telegram.

Press Release
Access Now to Telegram: protect the rights of 500 million people
8 Dec 2021
Access Now to Telegram: protect the rights of 500 million people
Breton's blocking statement

Russia throttled Twitter to censor content — Here’s what happens next

15 Mar 2021
Russia throttled Twitter to censor content — Here’s what happens next
15 Mar 2021
Russia throttled Twitter to censor content — Here’s what happens next
Kazakhstan internet

Rapport : Rêves brisés et opportunités perdues – une année de combat pour #KeepItOn

9 Mar 2021

Access Now et la coalition #KeepItOn a rendu compte de l’actualité de l’arrêt d’Internet avec les données de toute l’année 2020.

Rapport : Rêves brisés et opportunités perdues – une année de combat pour #KeepItOn
9 Mar 2021
Rapport : Rêves brisés et opportunités perdues – une année de combat pour #KeepItOn
Kazakhstan internet

Informe #KeepItOn: Los apagones de internet rompen sueños y ponen vidas en peligro

3 Mar 2021

El nuevo informe de Access Now, Sueños rotos y oportunidades perdidas: un año en la lucha por #KeepItOn, explora dónde, cómo y por qué se apagó deliberadamente internet en 2020, y las repercusiones duraderas para las comunidades de todo el mundo.

Press Release
Informe #KeepItOn: Los apagones de internet rompen sueños y ponen vidas en peligro
3 Mar 2021
Informe #KeepItOn: Los apagones de internet rompen sueños y ponen vidas en peligro
Kazakhstan internet

Internet shutdowns report: Shattered dreams and lost opportunities — a year in the fight to #KeepItOn

3 Mar 2021

Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition report on internet shutdown news, exploring data from the entire year of 2020.

Internet shutdowns report: Shattered dreams and lost opportunities — a year in the fight to #KeepItOn
3 Mar 2021
Internet shutdowns report: Shattered dreams and lost opportunities — a year in the fight to #KeepItOn
Kazakhstan internet

Informe: Sueños rotos y oportunidades perdidas: un año en la lucha por #KeepItOn

3 Mar 2021
Informe: Sueños rotos y oportunidades perdidas: un año en la lucha por #KeepItOn
3 Mar 2021
Informe: Sueños rotos y oportunidades perdidas: un año en la lucha por #KeepItOn
Breton's blocking statement

Midiyaa hawaasaa፡ Fayyadamtoonni WhatsApp maaliif gara Telegram geeddarataa jiru?

21 Jan 2021
Midiyaa hawaasaa፡ Fayyadamtoonni WhatsApp maaliif gara Telegram geeddarataa jiru?
21 Jan 2021
Midiyaa hawaasaa፡ Fayyadamtoonni WhatsApp maaliif gara Telegram geeddarataa jiru?

Tanzania inatumia uzimaji wa mtandao kama silaha. Watanzania wazungumza.

19 Dec 2020
Tanzania inatumia uzimaji wa mtandao kama silaha. Watanzania wazungumza.
19 Dec 2020
Tanzania inatumia uzimaji wa mtandao kama silaha. Watanzania wazungumza.
human impact of internet shutdowns

Tanzania is weaponizing internet shutdowns. Here’s what its people have to say

16 Dec 2020

Join us and share these 11 personal stories to show how the shutdowns in Tanzania are affecting people’s lives. Amplify voices from Tanzania.

Tanzania is weaponizing internet shutdowns. Here’s what its people have to say
16 Dec 2020
Tanzania is weaponizing internet shutdowns. Here’s what its people have to say

Telegram blocked in Cuba? Civil society demands answers

5 Nov 2020

Numerous reports have emerged that Telegram and VPNs have been blocked in Cuba. Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are calling for transparency, and to ensure internet and digital communications channels are secure, accessible, and open at all times.

Press Release
Telegram blocked in Cuba? Civil society demands answers
5 Nov 2020
Telegram blocked in Cuba? Civil society demands answers