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Tag: Telcos

South Korean IM app takes bold stand against police abuses

16 Oct 2014

Access commends KakaoTalk for recognizing the need for extreme measures in the face of overbearing and arbitrary government surveillance.

South Korean IM app takes bold stand against police abuses
16 Oct 2014
South Korean IM app takes bold stand against police abuses

NGOs and industry join forces in an open letter sent to the Council of Ministers on Net Neutrality

1 Oct 2014

Today, Access together with several NGOs, consumer groups, and industry representatives sent an open letter to the Council of the European Union, calling for Telecoms ministers to support strong net neutrality rules in the E.U.. The Council is currently reviewing the proposal of the Telecoms Single Market Regulation, voted on by the European Parliament in April.

NGOs and industry join forces in an open letter sent to the Council of Ministers on Net Neutrality
1 Oct 2014
NGOs and industry join forces in an open letter sent to the Council of Ministers on Net Neutrality

Les manigances des opérateurs de télécommunications tunisiens pour prendre internet en otage

1 Oct 2014

Selon des rumeurs circulant depuis peu, les trois opérateurs de télécommunications tunisiens, Tunisie Telecom, Orange, et Ooredoo, pourraient conclure un accord limitant l’accès de leurs clients aux services de voix sur IP (également appelé VoIP). Si cette information se vérifie, ledit accord aurait un impact considérable sur la liberté d’expression des utilisateurs en ligne.

Les manigances des opérateurs de télécommunications tunisiens pour prendre internet en otage
1 Oct 2014
Les manigances des opérateurs de télécommunications tunisiens pour prendre internet en otage

Tunisian Telcos’ plan to take the internet hostage

1 Oct 2014

There are rumors circulating that Tunisia’s three telecommunications operators, Tunisie Telecom, Orange, and Ooredoo, might enter into an agreement limiting customers’ access to voice over IP (VoIP) services. If implemented, this agreement would dramatically impact users’ freedom of expression online.

Tunisian Telcos’ plan to take the internet hostage
1 Oct 2014
Tunisian Telcos’ plan to take the internet hostage

U.S. agrees to develop NAP on business & human rights

30 Sep 2014

The Obama Administration announced on Wednesday, Sept. 24 that it would review and account for the human rights impacts of U.S. businesses.

U.S. agrees to develop NAP on business & human rights
30 Sep 2014
U.S. agrees to develop NAP on business & human rights

Academics & experts tell Senate to avoid data retention mandates

18 Sep 2014

Today twenty-two professors of law, technology, and human rights sent a letter to Senate leaders urging them to keep data retention out of the USA Freedom (USAF) Act.

Academics & experts tell Senate to avoid data retention mandates
18 Sep 2014
Academics & experts tell Senate to avoid data retention mandates

Spotlighting surveillance: Where states can lead on transparency reporting

17 Sep 2014

States have lagged far behind other stakeholders when it comes to reporting on their surveillance activity, especially on national security matters.

Spotlighting surveillance: Where states can lead on transparency reporting
17 Sep 2014
Spotlighting surveillance: Where states can lead on transparency reporting

First TeliaSonera transparency report released

25 Aug 2014

The company disclosed surveillance requests from its two home jurisdictions, along with promises of more comprehensive reports to be released every six months.

First TeliaSonera transparency report released
25 Aug 2014
First TeliaSonera transparency report released

UN investigates business and human rights in Azerbaijan

22 Aug 2014

This week, Azerbaijan is hosting experts from the UN to examine the impact of business activities on human rights in the country.

UN investigates business and human rights in Azerbaijan
22 Aug 2014
UN investigates business and human rights in Azerbaijan

Update: SMS finally unblocked in Central African Republic

25 Jul 2014

Update: SMS finally unblocked in Central African Republic

Update: SMS finally unblocked in Central African Republic
25 Jul 2014
Update: SMS finally unblocked in Central African Republic