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Tag: systemic racism

ITFlows artificial intelligence

The EU AI Act: How to (truly) protect people on the move

12 May 2022

The EU AI Act is supposed to protect the rights of everyone impacted by AI systems. But it ignores the systems impacting people on the move. Here are three steps policymakers can take to fix that problem.

The EU AI Act: How to (truly) protect people on the move
12 May 2022
The EU AI Act: How to (truly) protect people on the move

Twitter offers more transparency on racist abuse by its users, but few solutions

11 Aug 2021
Twitter offers more transparency on racist abuse by its users, but few solutions
11 Aug 2021
Twitter offers more transparency on racist abuse by its users, but few solutions

In a win for human rights, U.S. invites U.N. racism experts for official visit

16 Jul 2021

The U.S. State Department invited U.N. experts on racism to investigate systemic racism and police violence against protesters in the United States.

Press Release
In a win for human rights, U.S. invites U.N. racism experts for official visit
16 Jul 2021
In a win for human rights, U.S. invites U.N. racism experts for official visit
Digital rights

To protect privacy in the digital age, world governments can and must do more

25 Jan 2021

The latest U.N. privacy resolution does not go far enough, missing the opportunity to respond firmly to the human rights threats posed by systemic racism, artificial intelligence, facial recognition technology, and other key technological and social developments.

To protect privacy in the digital age, world governments can and must do more
25 Jan 2021
To protect privacy in the digital age, world governments can and must do more

Encryption is vital for attorney-client privilege in the digital era, and lawyers should fight for it

11 Jan 2021

In the fight for encryption, attorney-client privilege is at stake.

Encryption is vital for attorney-client privilege in the digital era, and lawyers should fight for it
11 Jan 2021
Encryption is vital for attorney-client privilege in the digital era, and lawyers should fight for it

Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge

10 Dec 2020

On Human Rights Day of 2020, we highlight the mandate of E. Tendayi Achiume, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance to fight systematic racism.

Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge
10 Dec 2020
Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge