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Tag: Syria

Comoros must not blackout the internet.

Weapons of control, shields of impunity: Internet shutdowns in 2022

28 Feb 2023

Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition documented 187 internet shutdowns in 2022, across a record-setting 35 countries.

Weapons of control, shields of impunity: Internet shutdowns in 2022
28 Feb 2023
Weapons of control, shields of impunity: Internet shutdowns in 2022

Empty promises: more internet shutdowns during exams in MENA

24 Aug 2022

As students in MENA sit down for national exams, governments cut off the internet and implement shutdowns. Here’s what happened in 2022.

Empty promises: more internet shutdowns during exams in MENA
24 Aug 2022
Empty promises: more internet shutdowns during exams in MENA
syria surveillance|

Syria’s new “cybercrime” law adds salt to injury

27 May 2022

Syria’s new “cybercrime” law gives a regime notorious for surveilling citizens new powers to violate privacy, silence people, and add a false legal veneer to human rights violations.

Syria’s new “cybercrime” law adds salt to injury
27 May 2022
Syria’s new “cybercrime” law adds salt to injury

What the tech sector can do to respect human rights in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and beyond

10 Mar 2022

As the Russia-Ukraine crisis escalates to war, the tech sector must do more than merely comply with sanctions. Here are our recommendations for mitigating human rights harms. 

What the tech sector can do to respect human rights in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and beyond
10 Mar 2022
What the tech sector can do to respect human rights in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and beyond
School exam social thumbnail image - by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu/Unsplash

Internet shutdowns during exams: when MENA governments fail the test

7 Jul 2021

National secondary and high school exams are a big deal in the Arab world. But when MENA governments cut off internet access nationwide to stop students from sharing exam answers, they also block access to essential online services.

Internet shutdowns during exams: when MENA governments fail the test
7 Jul 2021
Internet shutdowns during exams: when MENA governments fail the test
syria surveillance|

Digital dominion: new report exposes the depth of Syrian regime’s mass surveillance

18 Mar 2021

Access Now and UIC John Marshall Law School International Human Rights Clinic are launching “Digital dominion: how the Syrian regime’s mass digital surveillance violates human rights.”

Press Release
Digital dominion: new report exposes the depth of Syrian regime’s mass surveillance
18 Mar 2021
Digital dominion: new report exposes the depth of Syrian regime’s mass surveillance

Digital dominion: how the Syrian regime’s mass digital surveillance violates human rights

18 Mar 2021
Digital dominion: how the Syrian regime’s mass digital surveillance violates human rights
18 Mar 2021
Digital dominion: how the Syrian regime’s mass digital surveillance violates human rights
Protest and human rights

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube must end the attack on critical voices in MENA

17 Dec 2020

Access Now and 42 human rights organizations, journalists, and activists from across the globe call on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to not be complicit in censorship of human rights defenders across the Middle East and North Africa.

Press Release
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube must end the attack on critical voices in MENA
17 Dec 2020
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube must end the attack on critical voices in MENA

Community voices: Ahmad Primo combats false news and disinformation coming out of Syria

29 Mar 2018

Six weeks away from RightsCon, we highlight the vital work that our community members are doing to defend and extend human rights in the digital age.

Community voices: Ahmad Primo combats false news and disinformation coming out of Syria
29 Mar 2018
Community voices: Ahmad Primo combats false news and disinformation coming out of Syria

Access Now responds to Special Rapporteur Kaye on “Content Regulation in the Digital Age”

11 Jan 2018

Governments are coercing private internet intermediaries to police and regulate online content. Here’s how companies can meet their obligation to respect human rights.

Access Now responds to Special Rapporteur Kaye on “Content Regulation in the Digital Age”
11 Jan 2018
Access Now responds to Special Rapporteur Kaye on “Content Regulation in the Digital Age”