Tag: Sustainable Development Goals

More than 3.5 billion left in the dark: why we’re still fighting to reach U.N. targets for internet access
If we don’t reach U.N. targets for internet access — providing everyone, everywhere with affordable, open, secure, and high-quality connectivity — we won’t meet the sustainable development goals by 2030.

New U.N. “Roadmap” on tech: only useful if we drive “digital cooperation” forward
What role can the United Nations play in shaping the future of digital rights? A new Roadmap for Digital Cooperation aims to galvanize efforts to “connect, respect, and protect people in the digital age.” Will it work?

Digital rights are vital for sustainable development
Access Now joined 15 other organizations to review the outcomes of UNGA74, including the critical importance of civil society engagement.

Sustainability and digital rights: how they’re connected and what that means for our work
The consequences of the climate crisis are universal and interconnected. Here’s how we see our role in responding.

Net Neutrality matters for human rights across the globe
No matter where you live, Net Neutrality is essential for free expression. Here’s a global tour of “hot spots” in the movement to keep the internet open and free.

We can’t reach the U.N. goals for sustainable development without the internet
Only a stable, secure, and open internet will ensure success for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Foreign affairs and local struggles: how diplomats can protect your digital rights
Diplomats have tools for influencing policy. Here’s how they can help us fight for a free, open, and secure internet.

Nokia revamps human rights policy, pledging to avoid “active surveillance”
Nokia is matching its innovation in the market with an update of its commitments on human rights.

U.N. targets tech companies with call for data protection and transparency
The new United Nations privacy resolution recognizes that companies must act to protect rights.