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Tag: survivors

Phone contracts should not bind survivors to abusers — SAFE Connections Act needed now

28 Apr 2021

Access Now strongly endorses the SAFE Connections Act, to be considered in the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee today. The legislation would make it easier for survivors of domestic violence to separate from shared phone plans that include their abuser.

Press Release
Phone contracts should not bind survivors to abusers — SAFE Connections Act needed now
28 Apr 2021
Phone contracts should not bind survivors to abusers — SAFE Connections Act needed now

Access Now joins 80+ organizations in defense of sexual assault survivors

27 Sep 2018

Access Now has joined Equality Now and more than 80 leading women and human’s rights groups to place a full-page ad in The Washington Post expressing collective concern about attacks on Dr. Christine Blasey Ford since her story of sexual assault was shared.

Access Now joins 80+ organizations in defense of sexual assault survivors
27 Sep 2018
Access Now joins 80+ organizations in defense of sexual assault survivors