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Tag: SumOfUs

Meta Human Rights

How the world’s biggest investors could transform Big Tech

21 Jul 2022

This year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) season for the tech sector has come and gone, but the results for Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon tell a surprisingly hopeful story for digital rights advocates.

How the world’s biggest investors could transform Big Tech
21 Jul 2022
How the world’s biggest investors could transform Big Tech
|Human rights problem with Google Cloud Platform in Saudi Arabia - Twitter thumbnail

Saudi Google Cloud center: shareholder vote can prevent storm of human rights abuses

30 May 2022

Civil society urge Alphabet shareholders to ensure that the company upholds human rights principles before it proceeds with its Saudi Google Cloud center.

Press Release
Saudi Google Cloud center: shareholder vote can prevent storm of human rights abuses
30 May 2022
Saudi Google Cloud center: shareholder vote can prevent storm of human rights abuses
|Human rights problem with Google Cloud Platform in Saudi Arabia - Twitter thumbnail

Letter to Alphabet Shareholders: Vote YES to Uphold Google’s Human Rights Commitments

30 May 2022

Alphabet shareholders should ensure human rights principles are upheld before Google proceeds with its cloud region plan in Saudi Arabia.

Press Release
Letter to Alphabet Shareholders: Vote YES to Uphold Google’s Human Rights Commitments
30 May 2022
Letter to Alphabet Shareholders: Vote YES to Uphold Google’s Human Rights Commitments

Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon: A shareholder’s guide to supporting human rights

24 May 2022

We urge Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon shareholders to support greater accountability for the companies’ human rights impacts.

Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon: A shareholder’s guide to supporting human rights
24 May 2022
Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon: A shareholder’s guide to supporting human rights

A bite of the Apple: working together for a win on freedom of expression

28 Feb 2020

Responding to civil society pressure, Apple has affirmed its commitment to free expression and “will consider providing additional details” on human rights safeguards.

A bite of the Apple: working together for a win on freedom of expression
28 Feb 2020
A bite of the Apple: working together for a win on freedom of expression