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Tag: Stop Watching Us Coalition

Access welcomes internet companies announcement in fight for surveillance reform

9 Dec 2013

This morning eight major internet companies — AOL, Apple, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Twitter, and Yahoo! — issued a broad and powerful call for surveillance reform. The joint statement represents the strongest stance yet by U.S. internet companies on government surveillance and has the potential to shift the debate in Washington.

Access welcomes internet companies announcement in fight for surveillance reform
9 Dec 2013
Access welcomes internet companies announcement in fight for surveillance reform

StopWatchingUs Rally Weekend: Calendar of Events

24 Oct 2013
StopWatchingUs Rally Weekend: Calendar of Events
24 Oct 2013
StopWatchingUs Rally Weekend: Calendar of Events

Stop Watching Us campaign begins push against NSA surveillance

13 Jun 2013

Access, along with a coalition of more than 80 organizations and internet companies, released a letter and online petition demanding that Congress halt and investigate the US National Security Agency’s mobile phone surveillance and PRISM programs. During the press call held that day by lead organizers, coalition representatives stated that they would continue outreach to internet users and youth, while increasing outreach to both government officials and corporations.

Stop Watching Us campaign begins push against NSA surveillance
13 Jun 2013
Stop Watching Us campaign begins push against NSA surveillance