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Tag: Snapchat


No to the new Google Cloud in Saudi Arabia: Access Now, CIPPIC flag serious human rights concerns

3 Feb 2021

Access Now and CIPPIC are calling on Google to immediately halt plans to establish a new Google Cloud region in Saudi Arabia — a country with an appalling human rights record.

Press Release
No to the new Google Cloud in Saudi Arabia: Access Now, CIPPIC flag serious human rights concerns
3 Feb 2021
No to the new Google Cloud in Saudi Arabia: Access Now, CIPPIC flag serious human rights concerns
Data protection in MENA

Google’s plans for Saudi-based Cloud is ‘dangerous,’ says digital rights advocacy group

28 Jan 2021
Google’s plans for Saudi-based Cloud is ‘dangerous,’ says digital rights advocacy group
28 Jan 2021
Google’s plans for Saudi-based Cloud is ‘dangerous,’ says digital rights advocacy group

Sri Lanka: shutting down social media to fight rumors hurts victims

22 Apr 2019

Cutting communications channels can block the emergency and rescue services that keep people alive.

Sri Lanka: shutting down social media to fight rumors hurts victims
22 Apr 2019
Sri Lanka: shutting down social media to fight rumors hurts victims
deceptive designs US lawmakers

Learn and share: Comparing “OTT” and telecom services

1 Jun 2017

Our new infographic shows why lawmakers should be wary of applying telecom-style rules to “OTT” services.

Learn and share: Comparing “OTT” and telecom services
1 Jun 2017
Learn and share: Comparing “OTT” and telecom services
deceptive designs US lawmakers

Internet vs. telecommunication services: differences that matter for users’ rights

22 May 2017

It doesn’t make sense to treat “OTT” services the way we do telecommunications networks. It also risks human rights.

Internet vs. telecommunication services: differences that matter for users’ rights
22 May 2017
Internet vs. telecommunication services: differences that matter for users’ rights