Arab Spring: ten years in, how can we reclaim the internet as an open space?
The internet played a pivotal role during the Arab Spring protests. But a decade on, the state of internet freedom in many Arab countries has deteriorated. Join us for a virtual conversation to explore the evolution of the digital space from a tool of mobilization to one of repression.

Reflections on Bread&Net: The growing importance of digital rights activism in the MENA region
Events like Bread&Net reveal the resilience of human rights defenders in the MENA region and the importance of the open discussion, collaboration, and problem-solving that regional gatherings can achieve.

When “cybercrime” laws gag free expression: stopping the dangerous trend across MENA
It’s not just Egypt. Throughout the Middle East and North Africa, laws purportedly aimed at increasing national security are putting human rights at risk.

Free expression in MENA: death by a thousand cuts
Across the region, authorities are leveraging accusations of “fake news” and imposing harsh prison sentences — in some cases, 10 years — based on what an advocate has posted online.

Access Now Grants: our year in review and changes ahead
We’ve awarded 34 grants and disbursed over $700,000 to support digital rights globally. Here’s a look at the details and what’s next.