Tag: shutdowns

India’s Draft Telecommunication Bill empowers gov’t to impose internet shutdowns
Int’l coalition alarmed by Indian’s Draft Telecommunication Bill giving power to government to shut down the internet to protect public safety. Internet shutdowns violate human rights.

Internet shutdowns shroud and facilitate brutality of Myanmar junta’s airstrike in Hpakant township
Access Now condemns the ongoing war crimes committed by the military in Myanmar, and its use of internet shutdowns to conceal the atrocities.

Don’t stifle free speech: Zimbabwe must #KeepItOn during planned protests
The #KeepItOn coalition calls on Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa to ensure the internet and all other communication channels are open, secure, and accessible throughout the country during anti-government protests planned to take place on Friday, July 31, 2020.

Kashmir internet blackouts hinder health services, contact tracing

#KeepItOn: Burundi silences the majority on election day
On election day, the Burundi government has rushed to block access to social media including Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and YouTube.

Kashmir internet blackouts thwart coronavirus fight

#KeepItOn: Les organisations de défense des droits humains exhortent le président burundais Nkurunziza à garantir un accès Internet ouvert et sécurisé pendant les élections de 2020
Access Now, ainsi que 29 organizations internationales de défense des droits humains qui forment la coalition #KeepItOn, le lundi 18 mai 2020 ont envoyé une lettre conjointe au gouvernement du Burundi pour garantir un accès ouvert, sécurisé et stable à Internet et aux plateformes de réseaux sociaux à travers les élections présidentielles du pays prévues pour le 20 mai 2020.

#KeepItOn: Human rights advocacy organizations appeal to President Nkurunziza of Burundi to ensure open and secure internet access throughout 2020 elections
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition sent a joint letter to the government of Burundi to ensure open, secure and stable access to the internet and social media platforms throughout the country’s presidential elections scheduled for May 20, 2020.

Lockdown: Global rights groups demand restoration of 4G services in J&K

Turkey’s YouTube ban violated human rights
Europe’s highest human rights court ruled that Turkey violated internet users’ right to freedom of expression when it banned YouTube between 2008 and 2010.