Tag: Shutdown Stories

#KeepItOn ግጭት፦ አማራ ክልል ውስጥ የኢንተርኔት መዘጋት በሰው ላይ የሚያሳድረው ጫና
ከአማራ ክልል ካሉ ሰዎች የተገኙ 11 ታሪኮች

#KeepItOn in conflict: the human impact of internet shutdowns in Amhara region, Ethiopia
This 11 stories from Ethiopian people tells the human impact of internet shutdowns in the Amhara region of Ethiopia in the past 100+ days.

Technology for Democracy at the second U.S. Summit: an update on our progress

“We were in an information vacuum”: internet shutdowns in Central Asia

ዓፀቦ፣ ዓቕሊ ፅበትን ስቃይ: 15 ታሪኻት ከበባ ኢንተርነት ትግራይ

Stranded, suffocated, and in pain: 15 stories from Tigray’s internet siege
It’s been two years since Tigray were cut off from the internet. Share the 15 stories from Tigrayans and help amplify their voices.

Shutdown impact stories: how internet shutdowns affect women in Iran
Women in Iran face huge legal and social obstacles to gaining financial independence. Internet shutdowns exacerbate their struggles.

#KeepItOn for peace and democracy in Sudan, Yemen, and Tajikistan
Hear from people in Sudan, Yemen, and Tajikistan impacted by authorities’ reckless internet shutdowns during conflict and crisis.

Russia throttled Twitter to censor content — Here’s what happens next

Cutting internet access when people need it the most: stories from Uganda
Join us and share these 15 personal stories to show how the shutdowns in Uganda during the 2021 presidential election are affecting people’s lives. Amplify voices from Uganda.