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Tag: Security


Civil society groups urge governments to promote and protect encryption and anonymity

17 Jun 2015

Today at the 29th session of the UN’s Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva, Access joined a group of more than 25 civil society organizations in a joint statement that calls on all governments to promote the use of strong encryption technologies, and to protect the right to seek, receive, and impart information anonymously online.

Civil society groups urge governments to promote and protect encryption and anonymity
17 Jun 2015
Civil society groups urge governments to promote and protect encryption and anonymity

The Crypto Summit

11 Jun 2015

Top government officials have called on policy and technology experts to “start a conversation” about cryptography. These calls ignore more than two decades of discussions about encryption standards and what must be done to keep our communications systems secure.

The Crypto Summit
11 Jun 2015
The Crypto Summit

Access fights for your right to secure communications

19 May 2015

Access joins coalition opposing crypto backdoors, but that’s just the beginning.

Access fights for your right to secure communications
19 May 2015
Access fights for your right to secure communications

Four lessons for digital rights activists from the Games for Change festival

24 Apr 2015

How do video games impact digital rights? Here are four lessons for activists from the Games for Change festival.

Four lessons for digital rights activists from the Games for Change festival
24 Apr 2015
Four lessons for digital rights activists from the Games for Change festival

Access gives surveillance a red card

12 Jun 2014

Access gives surveillance a red card, and provides internet users with a list of actions they can take today to enhance their privacy online and protect themselves from unwarranted surveillance and data collection.

Access gives surveillance a red card
12 Jun 2014
Access gives surveillance a red card

Journalist: NSA won’t give me a secure channel to communicate on

10 Mar 2014
Journalist: NSA won’t give me a secure channel to communicate on
10 Mar 2014
Journalist: NSA won’t give me a secure channel to communicate on