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Tag: security researchers

Caso Ola Bini: nuevamente se suspende la audiencia

30+ organizations call on governments to protect — not prosecute — security researchers

19 Dec 2019

The work of digital rights defenders is key in protecting and maintaining an open and safe online civic space, and more than 30 organizations are expressing our concern over their continued persecution around the world.

Press Release
30+ organizations call on governments to protect — not prosecute — security researchers
19 Dec 2019
30+ organizations call on governments to protect — not prosecute — security researchers
Caso Ola Bini: nuevamente se suspende la audiencia

Join our Statement for the Protection of Digital Rights Defenders

18 Dec 2019

Civil society is standing together to defend security researchers and trainers who act to protect and promote human rights. Join us to demand strong protection of their work and recognition as human rights defenders. 

Join our Statement for the Protection of Digital Rights Defenders
18 Dec 2019
Join our Statement for the Protection of Digital Rights Defenders

Human rights organizations reject arbitrary measures against digital security researcher Javier Smaldone

10 Dec 2019

The undersigned civil society organizations, academics, and individuals dedicated to the study of internet policy and the defense of fundamental rights write to express our concern in the face of repeated cases of persecution of digital security researchers.

Press Release
Human rights organizations reject arbitrary measures against digital security researcher Javier Smaldone
10 Dec 2019
Human rights organizations reject arbitrary measures against digital security researcher Javier Smaldone

Control de internet en su máxima expresión: Decreto 370 de Cuba

21 Nov 2019

El Decreto 370 en Cuba pone en riesgo derechos humanos fundamentales relacionados al uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación.

Control de internet en su máxima expresión: Decreto 370 de Cuba
21 Nov 2019
Control de internet en su máxima expresión: Decreto 370 de Cuba

Organizaciones Internacionales de Derechos Digitales expresan preocupación por la reforma electoral argentina

2 Nov 2016
Organizaciones Internacionales de Derechos Digitales expresan preocupación por la reforma electoral argentina
2 Nov 2016
Organizaciones Internacionales de Derechos Digitales expresan preocupación por la reforma electoral argentina