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Tag: Section 230

Unconstitutional Texas social media bill attacks human rights

1 Dec 2021

Access Now opposes the U.S state of Texas’ social media bill that undermines First Amendment protections and attacks human rights.

Press Release
Unconstitutional Texas social media bill attacks human rights
1 Dec 2021
Unconstitutional Texas social media bill attacks human rights

How changing a 26-word US internet law could impact online expression everywhere

19 Jun 2021
How changing a 26-word US internet law could impact online expression everywhere
19 Jun 2021
How changing a 26-word US internet law could impact online expression everywhere

Groups Urge Lawmakers Against Gutting of Section 230 as Big Tech CEOs Testify

25 Mar 2021
Groups Urge Lawmakers Against Gutting of Section 230 as Big Tech CEOs Testify
25 Mar 2021
Groups Urge Lawmakers Against Gutting of Section 230 as Big Tech CEOs Testify
México: un Decálogo de Derechos Digitales en Redes Sociales o una receta para la censura

Making headway: reintroduction of U.S. PACT Act is step forward

17 Mar 2021

Access Now supports the reintroduction of the PACT Act, a welcome advancement towards combating harmful content online.

Press Release
Making headway: reintroduction of U.S. PACT Act is step forward
17 Mar 2021
Making headway: reintroduction of U.S. PACT Act is step forward

Social justice groups warn Biden against throwing out Section 230

27 Jan 2021
Social justice groups warn Biden against throwing out Section 230
27 Jan 2021
Social justice groups warn Biden against throwing out Section 230

In wake of U.S. Capitol attack, Access Now and 70+ civil society groups warn against overbroad changes to Section 230

27 Jan 2021

A broad-based coalition sent a letter to the U.S. Congress and the Biden-Harris administration warning against responding to the violence in the U.S. Capitol by renewing injudicious attacks on Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

Press Release
In wake of U.S. Capitol attack, Access Now and 70+ civil society groups warn against overbroad changes to Section 230
27 Jan 2021
In wake of U.S. Capitol attack, Access Now and 70+ civil society groups warn against overbroad changes to Section 230

U.S. Senate Democrats and civil society denounce Simington nomination to FCC

7 Dec 2020

Members of the U.S. Congress and civil society representatives voice strong opposition to President Trump’s FCC nominee, Nathan Simington, whose appointment would threaten net neutrality protections, freedom of expression, and broadband access.

Press Release
U.S. Senate Democrats and civil society denounce Simington nomination to FCC
7 Dec 2020
U.S. Senate Democrats and civil society denounce Simington nomination to FCC

Democrat senator calls Trump’s FCC pick ‘deeply dangerous’

7 Dec 2020
Democrat senator calls Trump’s FCC pick ‘deeply dangerous’
7 Dec 2020
Democrat senator calls Trump’s FCC pick ‘deeply dangerous’

Stop Trump’s pro-censorship FCC nominee

12 Nov 2020

Action Alert: Trump is trying to appoint one of the worst, most dangerous FCC commissioners the United States has ever seen to gut protections for free speech online, and Mitch McConnell is speeding the Senate toward his confirmation.

Stop Trump’s pro-censorship FCC nominee
12 Nov 2020
Stop Trump’s pro-censorship FCC nominee

Stop Trump’s pro-censorship FCC nominee

12 Nov 2020

Action Alert: Trump is trying to appoint one of the worst, most dangerous FCC commissioners the United States has ever seen to gut protections for free speech online, and Mitch McConnell is speeding the Senate toward his confirmation. 

Stop Trump’s pro-censorship FCC nominee
12 Nov 2020
Stop Trump’s pro-censorship FCC nominee