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Tag: Safe Harbor

E.U. and U.S. reach deal on new Safe Harbor data-transfer arrangement

2 Feb 2016

The European Commission has announced a new agreement to allow companies like Facebook to transfer users’ data between the E.U. and U.S. It’s not clear whether this “E.U.-U.S. Privacy Shield” — formerly the “Safe Harbor” agreement — will protect privacy and withstand legal scrutiny or challenge.

Press Release
E.U. and U.S. reach deal on new Safe Harbor data-transfer arrangement
2 Feb 2016
E.U. and U.S. reach deal on new Safe Harbor data-transfer arrangement

Negotiations continue on E.U.-U.S. “Safe Harbor” data transfer agreement

1 Feb 2016

Talks continue in the effort to forge a new E.U.-U.S. “Safe Harbor” data-transfer agreement. Regardless of how long it takes, robust legal reform is needed before a new agreement can be reached that could resist legal challenge.

Press Release
Negotiations continue on E.U.-U.S. “Safe Harbor” data transfer agreement
1 Feb 2016
Negotiations continue on E.U.-U.S. “Safe Harbor” data transfer agreement

Access Now, EDRi on data protection: “No Safe Harbour 2.0 without reform on both sides of the Atlantic”

21 Jan 2016

The “Schrems” ruling in Europe invalidated the EU-US “Safe Harbour” agreement that allowed companies like Facebook to transfer data overseas. Here’s how the law needs change before a new agreement can be reached that would resist legal challenge.

Access Now, EDRi on data protection: “No Safe Harbour 2.0 without reform on both sides of the Atlantic”
21 Jan 2016
Access Now, EDRi on data protection: “No Safe Harbour 2.0 without reform on both sides of the Atlantic”

E.U. Commissioners call for new Safe Harbor framework

6 Nov 2015
Press Release
E.U. Commissioners call for new Safe Harbor framework
6 Nov 2015
E.U. Commissioners call for new Safe Harbor framework

CJEU declares Safe Harbour invalid

7 Oct 2015

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled in the Schrems case, finding that the Safe Harbour mechanism is invalid. Safe Harbour is a transatlantic data transfer mechanism enabling US companies to send data collected in the EU to the US.

Press Release
CJEU declares Safe Harbour invalid
7 Oct 2015
CJEU declares Safe Harbour invalid

How safe is the “Safe Harbour”? A close look at the “Schrems” case on the eve of the ruling

5 Oct 2015

Tomorrow, the EU Court of Justice will determine whether the national Data Protection authority can conduct an independent assessment of a decision in the so-called Schrems case, which deals with Facebook’s transfer of user data between its subsidiary in Ireland and the parent company in the United States.

How safe is the “Safe Harbour”? A close look at the “Schrems” case on the eve of the ruling
5 Oct 2015
How safe is the “Safe Harbour”? A close look at the “Schrems” case on the eve of the ruling

EU Advocate General considers (un)Safe Harbor invalid, makes way for comprehensive review

23 Sep 2015

Today Yves Bot, Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), released his opinion in the EU-US Safe Harbor case, which addresses a controversial transatlantic data sharing agreement.

Press Release
EU Advocate General considers (un)Safe Harbor invalid, makes way for comprehensive review
23 Sep 2015
EU Advocate General considers (un)Safe Harbor invalid, makes way for comprehensive review

EU Advocate General considers (un)Safe Harbor invalid, makes way for comprehensive review

23 Sep 2015

Today Yves Bot, Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), released his opinion in the EU-US Safe Harbor case, which addresses a controversial transatlantic data sharing agreement. Advocate General Bot recommends that the Court rule to recognise the duty of national data protection authorities to conduct independent assessment of the Safe Harbor in light of evidence of abuses brought by the Snowden’s revelations. Based on a large number of hearings, AG Bot considers European Commission’s earlier decision, holding that the protection of personal data in the United States is adequate, to be invalid.

EU Advocate General considers (un)Safe Harbor invalid, makes way for comprehensive review
23 Sep 2015
EU Advocate General considers (un)Safe Harbor invalid, makes way for comprehensive review