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Tag: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation


Biometric ID vs. privacy: Tunisians win on privacy! But it’s not over yet.

11 Jan 2018

Tunisians have won a major victory for privacy, beating back a proposal for a dangerous biometric ID. Here’s how it happened.

Biometric ID vs. privacy: Tunisians win on privacy! But it’s not over yet.
11 Jan 2018
Biometric ID vs. privacy: Tunisians win on privacy! But it’s not over yet.

Tunisia: It’s time to build a community to defend our digital rights!

5 Jan 2018

We invite you to join us in a series of gatherings to learn about and discuss digital rights in Tunisia.

Tunisia: It’s time to build a community to defend our digital rights!
5 Jan 2018
Tunisia: It’s time to build a community to defend our digital rights!