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Tag: Rohingyas

UPR: Universal Periodic Review

Digital rights are human rights: Holding Australia, Georgia, Myanmar, and Nauru to account at the U.N.

10 Sep 2020

When member states fail to protect human rights — such as by cutting off internet access in the middle of a global pandemic — we leverage the UPR process to call attention to that failure and press for change.

Digital rights are human rights: Holding Australia, Georgia, Myanmar, and Nauru to account at the U.N.
10 Sep 2020
Digital rights are human rights: Holding Australia, Georgia, Myanmar, and Nauru to account at the U.N.

Urgent: shutdowns in Kashmir, Myanmar, and Bangladesh leave oppressed groups disconnected from the world

19 Dec 2019

The Indian government is responding to citizen protests in major cities by deliberately cutting access to mobile networks, an inherently anti-democratic tactic that threatens human rights and puts people’s lives in danger. Sadly, this is part of an ongoing trend globally and across Asia, and the people it is hurting the most have the least capacity to defend their rights.

Urgent: shutdowns in Kashmir, Myanmar, and Bangladesh leave oppressed groups disconnected from the world
19 Dec 2019
Urgent: shutdowns in Kashmir, Myanmar, and Bangladesh leave oppressed groups disconnected from the world

Network shutdowns in Rohingya camps: how they’re damaging the fragile information ecosystem of refugees from Myanmar

3 Oct 2019

Visits to the refugee camps show that degrading cell service is harming the Rohingyas’ capacity to get access to vital information, express themselves freely, and otherwise exercise their fundamental human rights.

Network shutdowns in Rohingya camps: how they’re damaging the fragile information ecosystem of refugees from Myanmar
3 Oct 2019
Network shutdowns in Rohingya camps: how they’re damaging the fragile information ecosystem of refugees from Myanmar