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Tag: Roadmap for Digital Cooperation

Digital rights

Access Now to U.N.: it’s time for transparency in the Tech Envoy process

10 Feb 2022

Transparency and inclusivity are critical to a successful Tech Envoy appointment. The U.N. must make all key information publicly accessible.

Press Release
Access Now to U.N.: it’s time for transparency in the Tech Envoy process
10 Feb 2022
Access Now to U.N.: it’s time for transparency in the Tech Envoy process
India fake news

Can human rights survive the digital age? Only if we do these things

10 Dec 2020

“We’re at a human rights tipping point.” On Human Rights Day of 2020, Access Now’s Brett Solomon maps out a pathway to take us to a full implementation and vindication of these rights, not just in principle, but in policy and practice.

Can human rights survive the digital age? Only if we do these things
10 Dec 2020
Can human rights survive the digital age? Only if we do these things

Rights-based Digital Cooperation requires transparency on the U.N. Tech Envoy

25 Nov 2020

Five months after the United Nations (U.N.) Secretary-General called on the international community to spearhead its implementation, we’re taking a critical look at progress on the U.N. Roadmap for Digital Cooperation. So far, civil society engagement around selection of the U.N. Tech Envoy — a critical component of the Roadmap — has been lacking.

Rights-based Digital Cooperation requires transparency on the U.N. Tech Envoy
25 Nov 2020
Rights-based Digital Cooperation requires transparency on the U.N. Tech Envoy

Watch: Access Now’s Joseph Steele addresses 75th United Nations General Assembly

23 Sep 2020

In a U.N. meeting on protecting future generations in the digital era, Steele urged global stakeholders to cease exploitative data collection, renew the commitment to bring everyone meaningfully online, and stop internet shutdowns and unlawful censorship.

Watch: Access Now’s Joseph Steele addresses 75th United Nations General Assembly
23 Sep 2020
Watch: Access Now’s Joseph Steele addresses 75th United Nations General Assembly
Digital rights

New U.N. “Roadmap” on tech: only useful if we drive “digital cooperation” forward

23 Jun 2020

What role can the United Nations play in shaping the future of digital rights? A new Roadmap for Digital Cooperation aims to galvanize efforts to “connect, respect, and protect people in the digital age.” Will it work?

New U.N. “Roadmap” on tech: only useful if we drive “digital cooperation” forward
23 Jun 2020
New U.N. “Roadmap” on tech: only useful if we drive “digital cooperation” forward