Tag: RightsCon

Réservez la date pour RightsCon Tunis: 11-14 juin 2019
Access Now est fière de vous annoncer les dates officielles de RightsCon, le premiere événement mondiale sur les droit humains dans l’ère numérique.

Save the date for RightsCon Tunis! June 11-14, 2019
Access Now is thrilled to announce the official dates for next year’s RightsCon, the world’s leading summit on human rights in the digital age.

When “cybercrime” laws gag free expression: stopping the dangerous trend across MENA
It’s not just Egypt. Throughout the Middle East and North Africa, laws purportedly aimed at increasing national security are putting human rights at risk.

Community Voices: The Bachchao Project fights for gender rights online
The Bachchao Project is a techno-feminist collective working at the intersection of technology and gender rights, bridging the gap between tech developers and end users in at-risk communities.

Open letter to Michelle Bachelet, new High Commissioner for Human Rights
We identify six areas for digital rights in which the new U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights could have a key and definitive voice during her tenure.

Celebrating the achievements of RightsCon Toronto
While planning for RightsCon Tunis 2019 is well underway, we want to celebrate with you the many achievements of RightsCon Toronto. Check out video highlights and the official outcomes report here.

How to win government policy and influence the internet
We’ve submitted comments to the U.S. agency NTIA to help guide its international agenda for the internet. Here’s how and why.

Thank you for a historic RightsCon Toronto — and hello Tunis!
We’re grateful you joined us for RightsCon Toronto. Here’s a look at some of what our community achieved this year, and what’s ahead for 2019.

Access Now and Amnesty International launch Toronto Declaration on human rights and artificial intelligence
Global human rights organisations Amnesty International and Access Now launched a declaration on human rights and artificial intelligence at the opening of RightsCon 2018.

The Toronto Declaration: Protecting the rights to equality and non-discrimination in machine learning systems
Open declaration by Amnesty International and Access Now, endorsed by Human Rights Watch and Wikimedia Foundation at RightsCon Toronto 2018