Tag: Right to privacy

Law on the protection of national symbols: a threat to freedom of expression on social networks in Mauritania
2 Dec 2021
The new law on the protection of national symbols is a threat to freedom of expression on social networks in Mauritania.

Viel Kritik an Fitbit-Übernahme durch Google
2 Jul 2020

Vestager warns against predictive policing in Artificial Intelligence
30 Jun 2020

Emotion, gender prediction tech should be banned from Brazil’s metro: NGO testifies
26 Jun 2020

Human rights organizations call on Egyptian authorities to cease restrictions on internet freedoms and digital rights
19 May 2020
In a joint statement, rights organizations call on Egyptian authorities to lift restrictions on the right to free expression and stop curtailing free use of the internet — especially during COVID-19, when such restrictions risk human health.

Defending the right to privacy globally: 8 key recommendations for the digital age
25 Apr 2018
Our submission to the United Nations on “the right to privacy in the digital age” details ways that governments can protect this fundamental right.