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Tag: Regulation

Government requests for data continues to grow, despite infrequent use of search warrants

6 Feb 2013

Government requests for the digital information of citizens around the world are growing exponentially. Google and Twitter revealed that a rising number of countries are using this mechanism to conduct investigations. Requests to Twitter jumped by 20% in the second quarter of 2012. Google also observed a jump of more than 70% of requests since 2009, totaling 21,389 requests for information about 33,634 users in the last six months of 2012.

Government requests for data continues to grow, despite infrequent use of search warrants
6 Feb 2013
Government requests for data continues to grow, despite infrequent use of search warrants

Access releases post-WCIT briefing document

5 Feb 2013

Access has released a briefing document that provides analysis of the outcomes of the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT), an overview of its geopolitical context, and a preview of upcoming internet governance debates at the United Nations.

Access releases post-WCIT briefing document
5 Feb 2013
Access releases post-WCIT briefing document

Filipino Supreme Court once again blocks controversial cybercrime law

5 Feb 2013
Filipino Supreme Court once again blocks controversial cybercrime law
5 Feb 2013
Filipino Supreme Court once again blocks controversial cybercrime law

Intellectual property and the implementation of US Free Trade Agreements in Latin America

4 Feb 2013

From 2004, the United States has signed onto free trade agreements with nearly half of the countries in Latin America. As a product of these agreements, Peru, Colombia, Chile, Panama and other Central American countries agreed to enact new and more restrictive copyright laws, which can place important threats on the fundamental rights of internet users across the region.

Intellectual property and the implementation of US Free Trade Agreements in Latin America
4 Feb 2013
Intellectual property and the implementation of US Free Trade Agreements in Latin America

Telco Hall of Shame: Blackberry

1 Feb 2013
Telco Hall of Shame: Blackberry
1 Feb 2013
Telco Hall of Shame: Blackberry

Amid crackdown in Azerbaijan, blogger gets the harshest sentence

30 Jan 2013
Amid crackdown in Azerbaijan, blogger gets the harshest sentence
30 Jan 2013
Amid crackdown in Azerbaijan, blogger gets the harshest sentence

Telco Hall of Shame: France Telecom / Orange

30 Jan 2013
Telco Hall of Shame: France Telecom / Orange
30 Jan 2013
Telco Hall of Shame: France Telecom / Orange

Happy Data Privacy Day!

28 Jan 2013

Today is Data Privacy Day, an international holiday that marks the 32nd anniversary of the signing of the Council of Europe’s Data Protection Convention 108. Data Privacy Day, which is celebrated all over Europe, Canada, and the US, recognises our fundamental right under human rights law and the importance of privacy to the maintenance of democratic societies, the advancement of human dignity, and the flourishing of other rights such as freedom of expression and association.

Happy Data Privacy Day!
28 Jan 2013
Happy Data Privacy Day!

Telcos called to account for inaction on anniversary of Egypt blackout

28 Jan 2013

Yesterday marked the two-year anniversary of the internet and mobile network blackout designed to undermine the anti-government protests in Egypt. This event catapulted the issue of telecoms and human rights onto the international stage. To mark this anniversary, Access has sent a letter to the telecommunication sector’s Industry Dialogue on Freedom of Expression and Privacy, an industry working group that arose in the aftermath of the incident. The letter addresses the failure of the major telecoms involved to provide principled guidance to the industry and issues a statement of expectations to governments that would request restrictions on user rights.

Telcos called to account for inaction on anniversary of Egypt blackout
28 Jan 2013
Telcos called to account for inaction on anniversary of Egypt blackout

New nomination to US privacy oversight board, just ahead of cybersecurity fights in Congress

25 Jan 2013
New nomination to US privacy oversight board, just ahead of cybersecurity fights in Congress
25 Jan 2013
New nomination to US privacy oversight board, just ahead of cybersecurity fights in Congress