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Tag: Regulation

Access Joins Obama Administration CISPA Veto Letter

20 Mar 2013

Access has joined nearly forty other privacy advocates, civil society organizations, and companies like Reddit and Mozilla in signing a letter urging the Obama administration to renew its veto threat against the resurrected cybersecurity bill CISPA.

Access Joins Obama Administration CISPA Veto Letter
20 Mar 2013
Access Joins Obama Administration CISPA Veto Letter

Week of Action Opposing CISPA

19 Mar 2013

This week, Access joins a coalition of Internet advocacy organizations in a week of action to express our opposition to the U.S. Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA).

Week of Action Opposing CISPA
19 Mar 2013
Week of Action Opposing CISPA

Keeping IP out of TAFTA

18 Mar 2013

On the heels of the announcement of the newly kicked off EU-US Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA), also known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), Access joined a group of roughly 35 internet freedom organizations, public health groups, activists, and other public interest leaders to urge both the US and the EU to keep copyright, patents, trademarks and geographical indications — so-called “intellectual property” — out of the negotiations.

Keeping IP out of TAFTA
18 Mar 2013
Keeping IP out of TAFTA

Telecom Industry Dialogue to collaborate with GNI on freedom of expression, privacy rights

12 Mar 2013

Access welcomes the announcement of a new collaboration between the Telecommunications Industry Dialogue on Freedom of Expression and Privacy, and the Global Network Initiative. Beginning with a two-year trial, this collaboration holds the potential for meaningful engagement that yields more rights-respecting policies and actions in the telecoms sector.

Telecom Industry Dialogue to collaborate with GNI on freedom of expression, privacy rights
12 Mar 2013
Telecom Industry Dialogue to collaborate with GNI on freedom of expression, privacy rights

Free Cookies: Strings attached to browsing raise costs for users

11 Mar 2013

The recent introduction of Do-Not-Track legislation is again bringing the issue of online privacy back to the forefront in the United States. Given its mixed history, lack of widespread agreement on how to treat Do-Not-Track requests, and what sort of behavior constitutes tracking, the effectiveness of existing Do-Not-Track systems are far from adequate.

Free Cookies: Strings attached to browsing raise costs for users
11 Mar 2013
Free Cookies: Strings attached to browsing raise costs for users

Peru surveillance bill threatens due process

7 Mar 2013

Joining a growing number of governments proposing regulations that mandate pervasive surveillance, Peru recently introduced a draconian bill that accelerates the review of evidence related to criminal investigations in a way that contravenes the due process rights of Peruvians.

Peru surveillance bill threatens due process
7 Mar 2013
Peru surveillance bill threatens due process

Expanding into Myanmar, telcos must confront ethical questions

7 Mar 2013

As Burma solicits bids from telcos to build out its telecommunications infrastructure, the country is making it clear that they’re open for business.

Expanding into Myanmar, telcos must confront ethical questions
7 Mar 2013
Expanding into Myanmar, telcos must confront ethical questions

Access joins civil society calling for openness at WTPF

6 Mar 2013

As a member of the Informal Experts Group (IEG) of the World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF), Access joined other civil society representatives in sending a joint submission to the Group emphasizing the need to recognize calls for openness and inclusivity in the upcoming May WTPF.

Access joins civil society calling for openness at WTPF
6 Mar 2013
Access joins civil society calling for openness at WTPF

WSIS+10: Taking stock and driving the global internet policy agenda forward

5 Mar 2013

Last week, a review marking ten years since the UN World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) kicked off in Paris at UNESCO. WSIS was a pair of UN-sponsored conferences held in 2003 in Geneva and 2005 in Tunis, aimed at bridging the digital divide and generally advancing the global discussion about the internet and ICTs.

WSIS+10: Taking stock and driving the global internet policy agenda forward
5 Mar 2013
WSIS+10: Taking stock and driving the global internet policy agenda forward

European Parliament committee approves opinion hostile to user privacy

27 Feb 2013

The Industry, Research, and Energy (ITRE) Committee of the European Parliament recently voted through its Opinion on the Data Protection Regulation, sending a clear message to European citizens that a majority of the Committee believes the interests of large corporations should trump the protection of their fundamental right to privacy.

European Parliament committee approves opinion hostile to user privacy
27 Feb 2013
European Parliament committee approves opinion hostile to user privacy