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Tag: Regulation

Stop Watching Us campaign begins push against NSA surveillance

13 Jun 2013

Access, along with a coalition of more than 80 organizations and internet companies, released a letter and online petition demanding that Congress halt and investigate the US National Security Agency’s mobile phone surveillance and PRISM programs. During the press call held that day by lead organizers, coalition representatives stated that they would continue outreach to internet users and youth, while increasing outreach to both government officials and corporations.

Stop Watching Us campaign begins push against NSA surveillance
13 Jun 2013
Stop Watching Us campaign begins push against NSA surveillance

FOIA documents reveal intensity of US lobbying against the DPR

12 Jun 2013

Access has received new information about the unprecedented level of US lobbying against the EU Data Protection Regulation in response to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests filed on both sides of the Atlantic.

FOIA documents reveal intensity of US lobbying against the DPR
12 Jun 2013
FOIA documents reveal intensity of US lobbying against the DPR

FOIA documents reveal intensity of US lobbying against the DPR

12 Jun 2013

Access has received new information about the unprecedented level of US lobbying against the EU Data Protection Regulation in response to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests filed on both sides of the Atlantic.

FOIA documents reveal intensity of US lobbying against the DPR
12 Jun 2013
FOIA documents reveal intensity of US lobbying against the DPR

Coalition of More Than 80 Organizations and Companies Call on U.S. Congress to End NSA Spying

11 Jun 2013

On Tuesday, Access and more than 80 organizations and internet companies sent a letter to Congress demanding an immediate halt to and investigation of the U.S. National Security Agency’s surveillance programs. Other signatories include the American Civil Liberties Union, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Mozilla, and reddit.

Coalition of More Than 80 Organizations and Companies Call on U.S. Congress to End NSA Spying
11 Jun 2013
Coalition of More Than 80 Organizations and Companies Call on U.S. Congress to End NSA Spying

Broad Civil Society Coalition Delivers Statement to UN HRC on Surveillance and Human Rights

10 Jun 2013

A broad civil society coalition of more than 90 civil society organizations and individuals issued a joint statement at the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) today calling for the protection of human rights in the digital age in the wake of the recently revealed PRISM and US National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance program. The statement, which was delivered at the 23rd session of the HRC, by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and Reporters without Borders, in particular highlighted the need to protect the rights of whistleblowers and to prevent the establishment of a global internet surveillance system.

Broad Civil Society Coalition Delivers Statement to UN HRC on Surveillance and Human Rights
10 Jun 2013
Broad Civil Society Coalition Delivers Statement to UN HRC on Surveillance and Human Rights

Massive US surveillance program exposed

7 Jun 2013
Massive US surveillance program exposed
7 Jun 2013
Massive US surveillance program exposed

UN publishes report on surveillance and freedom of expression

6 Jun 2013
UN publishes report on surveillance and freedom of expression
6 Jun 2013
UN publishes report on surveillance and freedom of expression

Kroes sidesteps net neutrality at Access event

6 Jun 2013

A week after Commissioner for Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes requested that the European Parliament help save European citizens’ “right to access the open internet by guaranteeing net neutrality” in a speech on May 30 in Brussels, Kroes avoided language that would have directly supporting net neutrality while speaking at a panel event organized by Access at the European Parliament.

Kroes sidesteps net neutrality at Access event
6 Jun 2013
Kroes sidesteps net neutrality at Access event

As Istanbul protests continue, government turns off live camera feeds from Taksim

1 Jun 2013

As Istanbul’s Taksim Square swelled with protesters on Friday night, local authorities seemingly disabled livestreams from the municipality’s ‘Turistik Kameralar,’ or Tourist Cameras, that showed views of the plaza. By scraping the feed, Access was able to identify when the camera was disabled, as well as evidence that seems to prove that the feeds were disabled deliberately, rather than collapsing under ‘viewer load.’

As Istanbul protests continue, government turns off live camera feeds from Taksim
1 Jun 2013
As Istanbul protests continue, government turns off live camera feeds from Taksim

It’s time for companies to act: US eases sanctions on export of tech to Iran

31 May 2013

Yesterday the US government announced a new round of sanctions relief for Iranian citizens, providing users with easier access to the internet and a wide range of personal communications technologies. With the road to export without the need for specific licenses explicitly cleared, now is the time for these companies to make their products and services available to Iranian users.

It’s time for companies to act: US eases sanctions on export of tech to Iran
31 May 2013
It’s time for companies to act: US eases sanctions on export of tech to Iran