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Tag: Regulation

Data Retention is NOT here to stay

23 Dec 2013

Access commends the opinion by the Advocate General, as it confirms the serious concerns repeatedly raised by civil society (see here, here and here, for example) and other institutions on the necessity and proportionality of mandatory blanket data retention in the EU. The mass retention of the activities of citizens, outside of the context of any criminal investigation, poses significant challenges to the very foundations of the rule of law and international human rights, including Article 7 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU.

Data Retention is NOT here to stay
23 Dec 2013
Data Retention is NOT here to stay

AT&T takes first step toward transparency

21 Dec 2013

Following close on Verizon’s heels, AT&T today announced it will begin to publish a semi-annual online transparency report in early 2014. This announcement is an abrupt about-face for the company, which only two weeks ago requested that the SEC allow it to ignore a shareholder proposal calling for exactly such transparency.

AT&T takes first step toward transparency
21 Dec 2013
AT&T takes first step toward transparency

LIBE Series 14 and 15: Conclusions of the European Parliament on mass-surveillance programs – Part 2

20 Dec 2013

In the 14th and 15th hearings held by the committee for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), Commissioner Viviane Reding, the Brazilian Parliamentary Inquiry Committee and Glenn Greenwald delivered important testimonies before the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). MEPs then presented the second part of their conclusions and working documents, the result of the thirteen inquiry meetings on the mass-surveillance programmes which aim to catalogue their recommendations aimed at preventing further violations of fundamental rights.

LIBE Series 14 and 15: Conclusions of the European Parliament on mass-surveillance programs – Part 2
20 Dec 2013
LIBE Series 14 and 15: Conclusions of the European Parliament on mass-surveillance programs – Part 2

Access statement on the President’s Review Group report on NSA surveillance

19 Dec 2013

This afternoon the White House released “Liberty and Security in a Changing World,” the report and recommendations of the President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies. This five-person task force was convened by President Obama to assess the NSA’s communications surveillance programs and provide recommendations on reform.

Access statement on the President’s Review Group report on NSA surveillance
19 Dec 2013
Access statement on the President’s Review Group report on NSA surveillance

LIBE Series 12 and 13: Conclusions of the European Parliament on mass-surveillance programs – Part 1

17 Dec 2013

In the 12th and 13th hearings held by the committee for civil liberties (LIBE), Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) presented their first conclusions and working documents after having conducted eleven inquiry meetings on the mass-surveillance programmes. The LIBE committee will then use theses conclusions and documents as basis to put forward recommendations aimed at preventing further violations of fundamental rights, and ensuring credible, high-level protection of EU citizens’ personal data via adequate means, in particular the adoption of a fully-fledged data protection package.

LIBE Series 12 and 13: Conclusions of the European Parliament on mass-surveillance programs – Part 1
17 Dec 2013
LIBE Series 12 and 13: Conclusions of the European Parliament on mass-surveillance programs – Part 1

The World Wide Web, 25 years later

13 Dec 2013

Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s speech at the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights in Geneva says the internet is under threat and calls for action.

The World Wide Web, 25 years later
13 Dec 2013
The World Wide Web, 25 years later

Net neutrality in the EU: Update and state of play on TSM Regulation

11 Dec 2013

With the European Parliamentary elections in May rapidly approaching, the European Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on a single market for electronic communications is on the fast track. The Regulation, which will be binding on all 28 member states, includes rules on net neutrality, however, they suffer from several dangerous loopholes. Problematically, given the current legislative timeline, fundamental rights concerns may not be given sufficient attention.

Net neutrality in the EU: Update and state of play on TSM Regulation
11 Dec 2013
Net neutrality in the EU: Update and state of play on TSM Regulation

Human Rights Day: Back to the basics on privacy Part 1 of 2

10 Dec 2013

The revelations of mass government surveillance and pervasive monitoring of communications that broke earlier this year have led to an erosion of trust among internet users. So much so that organizations responsible for coordination of the internet’s technical infrastructure globally were compelled to release the Montevideo Statement on the “Future of Internet Cooperation.”

Human Rights Day: Back to the basics on privacy Part 1 of 2
10 Dec 2013
Human Rights Day: Back to the basics on privacy Part 1 of 2

Human Rights Day: Network neutrality key to preserving online privacy

10 Dec 2013

Net neutrality gets at the heart of many of the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, whose 65th anniversary we celebrate today. While freedom of expression and access to information are often mentioned in the same breath as net neutrality, net neutrality also has an important privacy component. Recently proposed legislation in the EU offers the opportunity to enshrine net neutrality into law, potentially adding important protections for user communications.

Human Rights Day: Network neutrality key to preserving online privacy
10 Dec 2013
Human Rights Day: Network neutrality key to preserving online privacy

Human Rights Day: EU’s Data Protection Reform: restoring trust by reinforcing user rights

10 Dec 2013

On the 65th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the celebration of UN Human Rights day, we would like to take this opportunity to reflect upon the importance of privacy and data protection as key pillars of healthy societies.

Human Rights Day: EU’s Data Protection Reform: restoring trust by reinforcing user rights
10 Dec 2013
Human Rights Day: EU’s Data Protection Reform: restoring trust by reinforcing user rights