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Tag: Regulation

EU Court repeals law mandating indiscriminate surveillance

8 Apr 2014

Today’s historic decision reopened the debate on the necessity and proportionality of communications data retention in the EU and around the world.

EU Court repeals law mandating indiscriminate surveillance
8 Apr 2014
EU Court repeals law mandating indiscriminate surveillance

Brazil and the E.U. welcome historic protections for net neutrality, but why is the U.S. stalling?

4 Apr 2014

Access, an international organization committed to extending and defending the rights of internet users worldwide, is encouraged by recent votes that will help secure an open internet. Yesterday, the European Union voted 534-23 in favor of network neutrality, and just last week the Brazilian Congress also voted to protect the internet as part of a larger “internet bill of rights.”

Brazil and the E.U. welcome historic protections for net neutrality, but why is the U.S. stalling?
4 Apr 2014
Brazil and the E.U. welcome historic protections for net neutrality, but why is the U.S. stalling?

The European Parliament takes important step to enshrine net neutrality into law

3 Apr 2014

Today the European Parliament voted on the European Telecoms Single Market proposal, a major legislative achievement protecting net neutrality that will have a crucial impact on how European users experience the internet for generations.

The European Parliament takes important step to enshrine net neutrality into law
3 Apr 2014
The European Parliament takes important step to enshrine net neutrality into law

US endorses principles it’s not living up to

1 Apr 2014
US endorses principles it’s not living up to
1 Apr 2014
US endorses principles it’s not living up to

UN Human Rights Committee calls for U.S. surveillance reform

1 Apr 2014

Last Thursday, the U.N. Human Rights Committee released a report criticizing NSA surveillance, for among things, failing to protect rights of non-U.S. persons. The Committee’s report comes in the context of its overall review of civil and political rights in the U.S. in accordance with its treaty obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

UN Human Rights Committee calls for U.S. surveillance reform
1 Apr 2014
UN Human Rights Committee calls for U.S. surveillance reform

Russia cracks down on domestic political opposition

17 Mar 2014

Government censorship of news reporting online severely undermines human rights and freedoms of all Russians.

Russia cracks down on domestic political opposition
17 Mar 2014
Russia cracks down on domestic political opposition

EP adopts the Data Protection Reform Package

12 Mar 2014

Today, the European Parliament adopted the Data Protection Regulation and Directive, commonly referred to as the Data Protection Reform Package (DPR). This vote represents another crucial step towards protecting European user data and the completion of the long-awaited reform proposed by the European Commission back in January 2012.

EP adopts the Data Protection Reform Package
12 Mar 2014
EP adopts the Data Protection Reform Package

After mass surveillance revelations, Europe calls for privacy

12 Mar 2014

Today, the European Parliament adopted its report and recommendations stemming from its investigation of the mass surveillance programmes of the NSA and GCHQ on E.U. citizens. The report, which was drafted over the course of 15 inquiry hearings conducted by the European Parliament civil liberties (LIBE) committee, heard testimony about the impact of the programmes revealed by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden on the fundamental rights of European citizens.

After mass surveillance revelations, Europe calls for privacy
12 Mar 2014
After mass surveillance revelations, Europe calls for privacy

U.S.State Department announces six principles to guide signals intelligence

4 Mar 2014

Rule of law, legitimate purpose, non-arbitrariness, competent authority, oversight, transparency, and democratic accountability become US policy

U.S.State Department announces six principles to guide signals intelligence
4 Mar 2014
U.S.State Department announces six principles to guide signals intelligence

RightsCon Silicon Valley 2014 Kicks Off!

2 Mar 2014

After months of planning and preparing, we’re ready to kick off RightsCon Silicon Valley 2014, the premier gathering of tech policy leaders, entrepreneurs, and digital rights defenders from around the world. I’m in awe of the amazing lineup of speakers and experts, and we want to make sure you have access to them too!

RightsCon Silicon Valley 2014 Kicks Off!
2 Mar 2014
RightsCon Silicon Valley 2014 Kicks Off!